Cultivating an extraordinary way of being is not about living up to society’s expectations, nor is it about running from your fear and anxiety, trying to hide from your self-doubt. That is an exhausting way to live, and it is not conducive to achieving mastery.

What is available to you, however, is incredibly exciting and enlightening. I’m sharing with you how you can create an energy that is both inner fuel and a powerful upward current that you can ride on, to gain the momentum you need to see your creativity flourish. Tibetan Buddhism refers to this as a Lungta, or wind horse.

Join me on the podcast this week and discover how to get in touch with your wind horse, and how to nourish your creativity by feeding your wind horse in a way that allows it to thrive, carrying you through the ups and downs of getting your art out into the world.

I’m incredibly pleased to announce the first Art School retreat. This is going to be an intimate, high-energy group for creative powerhouses looking to set the tone and trajectory of the next 10 years. I have six spots still available, so click here to join us on this incredible journey. 

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why, to reform our life, we must start by reforming our minds.
  • How an untrained mind is depleting your energy in the long-term.
  • Why this concept of a wind horse grabbed my attention so strongly.
  • What the concept of the wind horse means to me.
  • How to tell if your wind horse, and in turn yourself, has everything it needs to thrive.
  • Why, if your wind horse isn’t flourishing, then getting results is going to be a struggle.
  • One quick exercise for feeing your wind horse, thus nourishing your creativity.

Listen to the Full Episode:

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Full Episode Transcript:

Being an example of what’s possible, being an example of someone who cultivates an extraordinary way of being in mind, body, and spirit, that makes creating extraordinary results inevitable is not a result of living in a way that’s based on trying to catch up to society’s expectations, or to your own punishing ones. It’s not a way of living that’s based on trying to outrun anxiety or trying to run and hide from your fear and self-doubt.

Being an example of a thriving human, fulfilled, successful, and as fully expressing your potential in any given moment as you can, this is not a way of living where you are constantly caught up in trying to chase down your next dream, and in such a way that you are never actually living the dream currently underfoot.

What is possible instead is so very exciting, and I believe available for us all. It’s the topic of today’s podcast. It’s a new paradigm for creating the energy you need to create your vision. And that is that you can cultivate so that it becomes part of your nature this inner source of creative power, an energy that is both an inner fuel and also has the effect of being a powerful upward current that you ride.

In Tibetan Buddhism, this is called a Lungta, or wind horse. And in her book, Invincible Living, Guru Jagat writes that, with discipline and focus towards self-mastery, “Your practice will create a vortex of momentum, or wind horse, to propel you into higher more integrated realms of your consciousness and destiny.”

While the concept of wind horses, consciousness, and destiny may sound mystical to some, stay with me and listen in today’s episode. We’re going to talk about the ways in which this imagery and metaphor and concept and tool can help you go from feeling always behind, never quite enough, barely making it, exhausted, or like you get there and you can’t enjoy it, or like the life of your dreams is always mysteriously elusive and just beyond your reach to better understanding how your unique creative process actually works and knowing very pragmatic ways that you can build a positive momentum that gives you the energy to access your greatest potential and build a deeply satisfying life while also enjoying the ride.

You are listening to The Art School Podcast; a show for artists and creatives who want to become the next greatest version of themselves. Learn how to cultivate an extraordinary way of being and take the mystery out of making money, and the struggle out of making art. Here is your host, master certified life coach, artist, and former lawyer, Leah Badertscher.

Hello, everyone, and welcome back. I am actually recording this for you, again, before Thanksgiving even. So I hope you all had an awesome Thanksgiving. Again, I’m getting everything ready for you before we leave for Iowa and for this long nice family holiday weekend.

A lot to be grateful for here. I know I just talked to you in the last week’s episode about gratitude. It came up again so much this last week for me, especially since we focused on it in the last week of Art School. I really know gratitude to be one of the number one ways you can expand your capacity to create and receive and I was so grateful for every round of Art School and for every single person who has participated and this time was no exception. They just blew me out of the water.

And even just today, I got a thank you letter, someone who wrote in to say a little post-Art School note follow up and that she missed it already. She started to make a list of the things she’d learned and worked on and it was over a mile long and that she was missing it already. And I certainly am too.

And I am also learning from this last experience, learning from the previous Art Schools, and preparing for 2020 and what’s coming in 2020, and I know these past Art School experiences and what I have coming up are going to culminate in something that just continues to build on this upward momentum. I want to blow my own mind in 2020 with this.

So I have some very exciting things that I’m working on. It’s going to be a while before I’m ready to reveal and share. But very related to the topic today because what I know about creative process, and something that I don’t think should be a secret but it sure feels like it is, because no one taught this to me and I kind of stumbled into it on my own and then I saw so many clients presenting with it. I have been thinking and thinking about what are the best ways to help my clients, and particularly when it would come to this one set of issues.

And it was something I experienced myself. And you know, the phenomenon is when you can have all the right intentions, you can be doing all the right things, you know all the things – not only do you know how to do better, but you’re really trying to do better, and things don’t just take off, or it feels like you’re running into a brick wall or running up an icy mountain harnessed to a boulder.

And then I see some people too, they see the same things, they know the same things, and they would just rise and take off. So, after a while, it does beg the question, you know, what’s going on here? And I for sure had a close and personal look at this with myself because I knew all the things. I was taking all the programs, taking all the action and just not seeing the results. It just wasn’t making sense for the amount of effort and intention that I was putting into things. It wasn’t showing up in the results.

So there is a longer story as to how I eventually discovered what was really going on for me, but long story short, what it boiled down to was energy. I started to see that the places where my results were in deficit were directly related to the fact that my energy was in deficit. And now your energy can be in deficit for many different reasons and in many different ways.

And, if you’ve been listening to me for any time now, and if not, you’ll know soon enough, I always want to take responsibility for my own life. And so, when it came to energy, I had to look at all the places where I was allowing my energy to be depleted or I wasn’t being a careful or wise enough steward of my energy, and places where I was just generally misusing it, allowing it to be diminished and not understanding how not following through on the ways that I know to give myself energetic inputs and to generate energy.

And if this all sounds a little bit mysterious and abstract, hang with me. That does not mean you should dismiss it. I’m not going to try also to kind of desacralize the mysterious by forcing it into something that’s linear and logical and I’m not going to try to dumb things down because I have too much respect for those of you listening that don’t need that.

You are ready to have a relationship with the mysterious. You are ready to let your mind and spirit wrestle with some of these advanced concepts and try them on, take what works for you and leave behind what doesn’t.

But again, I came to this myself. I saw, you know, I was doing all the things. I knew all the things and yet I wasn’t getting results. So it was like having this Italian sports car and having your foot to the gas, but I didn’t have any gas in my tank, or not the right gas. And again, for a variety of reasons, but I always want to be the one who can then determine, you know, why is there not gas in my tank? Why have I been choosing this to this point, even if it has been an unconscious choice? And how can I make these choices more conscious?

And that is a question I want to offer to you, even though we’re not at the coach with me section yet, that is always a go-to question for raising your awareness. If you are ever in a circumstance and you don’t like it, you think it’s not what you want, turn that puppy around and ask yourself, why am I choosing this? Why am I choosing this credit card debt? Why am I choosing this difficult encounter with a loved one? Why am I choosing writer’s block? Why am I choosing this particular obstacle? Why am I choosing this? Why am I choosing this income? Why am I choosing to live here?

That will give you a higher quality question, which is going to give you a higher quality answer, and it puts the ball back in your court. That question already starts to lift your energy because it puts you in the driver’s seat for your destiny. It makes you the hero of your journey.

Again, if you listened to my podcast last week about my victory practice – in any moment, you can choose to be a victim, or you can choose victory, but you can’t choose both. And I think you can already intuit which of those choices expands your energy and expands your energetic capacity, and which depletes it.

And so, when I started to think about things energetically, when I would come to a situation and it wasn’t the experience that consciously I thought I would choose and I had to reckon with the fact that I was choosing it and so why was that my result, what was going on here, and what was the disconnect? And I could boil it down to being an issue of energy, that I just didn’t have the energetic power to create the result that I wanted. And why was I choosing to have that energetic deficiency and where could I back up and see what choices I was making that was affecting my ability to have that fundamental life force, that building block of energy?

Because for all the things we desire to create in life, we need vitality. We need energy because you can have the best intentions in the world and the best laid plans, and that doesn’t mean you’re going to create it. You can know all of the steps. That doesn’t mean that you’re going to have the energy to follow through, especially when following through and growing means that you’re going to have to learn how to master your mind and you’re going to learn how to move through and master things like self-doubt, self-loathing, victimhood, blame, complaining, other victim mindsets, scarcity thinking, plain old sloppy thinking, or small thinking. All of these things will muddy that energetic source that you have, or they’ll dilute it, they’d diminish it, and they’ll drain it.

So I would see so many of my clients come, and people who have already created a lot of amazing things in their life, and now they want to create even more, but they’re either subconsciously holding themselves back because they feel, they can intuit that they don’t have the energy it takes to create that and they’re thinking in their mind that it’s going to just drain them in order to create something with that much more impact, something that much more powerful, or they are going for it, like all-out, throttle thrown open, and they’re not getting results. And instead, they’re just getting burned out and their life is being drained in other ways and they’re like, what’s going on here?

I’m doing this formula, I’m applying all the things, but I’m not getting the results, and it does feel like kind of a mystery. And the thing is, bringing it back to energy, everything that we’re creating, we’re creating from our mind. Because to form our life, we need to form first what we’re creating in our mind, and to reform our life, we need to reform our mind.

And this takes energy. Training your mind takes energy. And if I said nothing else in any of these podcasts but that training your mind is the way to create what you want to create in the world, align your mind with that vision and focus on it and train intensely, like an Olympic athlete, if you did nothing else but really take those words to mind and figure out what that means for you, you wouldn’t need anything else.

But a lot of times, in order to train our mind even to begin with, we’re in this bit of a catch 22 because an untrained mind is very energetically expensive. Like I’ve said before, an untrained mind is easily controlled. It’s easily manipulated and drained by things like self-doubt, self-loathing, victimizing yourself, blaming, complaining, scarcity thinking, sloppy thinking, small thinking, all of that.

It’s also very easily controlled and manipulated by what looks like factors outside of you that wouldn’t be such powerful factors, such these external influences wouldn’t have the power over you, the negative influence, the draining influence, the disempowering influence that they have were your mind trained well enough to be disciplined and strong enough to not be controlled.

So again, an untrained mind is energetically expensive, and ultimately, it’s an expensive thing in your life. It costs you years, it costs you joy. It caused you suffering. It takes away dreams. It takes away just your ability to love being you and finding out what you can experience in life. An untrained mind is very expensive because it costs you discovering what your potential is and what fulfillment could be. An untrained mind is expensive for the world because it costs the world the pure unbridled force of the contribution you could make if your mind were not muddied and diluted and diminished and slowed down and controlled by negative thinking and lower forces.

And I was saying though that this training your mind can be a catch 22 because while an untrained mind is expensive, that means that you don’t always have these great reserves of energy at your disposal that you would like to have in order to train your mind. But if you begin with – and I’m not saying that at all to give you an out or an excuse, it’s just to raise your awareness so you know the amount of attention and energy that it takes, especially in the beginning, as you are training your mind, and so that you are that much more focused because you know what goes on.

Because it does take energy to train your mind. It takes energy to change these neural patterns that are hardwired in your brain. And it takes energy and experience to create a new reality for yourself and for the world. And as I said in the intro, you know, what I want to offer you is not just the mediocre life, the possibility of keeping up and just surviving, getting by.

What I want to offer you is the opportunity to experience an extraordinary way of living, an extraordinary way of being, like truly elevated states of physicality, mindset, psychology, emotional mastery, spiritual experience, relationships, finances, consciousness, prosperity, and not to just be in this constant turmoil of a way of living that’s trying to catch up to something, always a little bit behind, always a dollar short, or just month to month or even year to year and just trying to keep up to that and catch up to society’s expectations or trying to catch up to your own or your to-do list.

I don’t want for you a way of living that’s based on trying to outrun your anxiety and your fears, or a way of living that’s based on trying to run and hide from your fear or your own self-doubt and your own limiting thoughts. I don’t even want for you a way of life where you are constantly running and hustling to chase down your dreams.

I think there is something so much more powerful available to us all. And for me, it feels like the secret that should not be a secret. So much of it boils down to, do you have the vitality, the life source, the energetic reserves? And we can all dramatically increase the creative potential, the energy, the life force, the building blocks from which we create anything if we master some of these practices, and not even mastery, just 10% increase of training our mind and cultivating ways of being where we are constantly nurturing and reaching for higher frequencies of energy physically, in the actions that we offer to the world in our words, in our deeds, and that that comes from a place of love and not like a striving again to keep up with expectations.

So again, what I wanted to offer, as a different paradigm to the approach of survival mode and racing to keep up but always feeling further left behind, what I wanted to offer as even a far more appealing paradigm for your life than chasing your dreams is this idea of creating a vortex of powerful, powerful creative energy that creates an upward momentum, that helps you rise, that lets you ride the winds of this energy you’ve created and aligns you with the destiny that you dream of.

And so, again, this energetic concept was something that I stumbled into just through years of trial and error and trying to figure out what was going on with me, what was going on with my own life, and then seeing it present so many times again with clients who are doing all the right things and know how to do all the right things, or experiencing a number of things, like either they just couldn’t make themselves do what they knew they should do, or they would do it and the results would just be, to them, so discouraging for the heart and the soul that they were putting into it.

And so I’m always looking for ways though to kind of transfer what I have known to work for me and to work for clients and think about transferring it in ways that are more clear and more powerful and really help move people from one place to another, help them rise, really move the needle and shift their life. And so then I stumbled across this concept of a wind horse, from Tibetan Buddhism.

And so while I do not claim to be a Tibetan Buddhist scholar, or anything close, I am going to give you just a very basic understanding of what it is, but also know too, I am borrowing heavily and infusing this with much of my own idea. But this concept of a wind horse resonated with me so much because, again, I was thinking about how do we move ourselves not just linearly forward, not just, you know, let’s say, you put an input in of 10 units of energy and you get this input out of probably not even 10, because the cost of doing the process cost you some units of that energy in the process, so it’s almost like a minus equation.

There’s something better available to us. I just know it. Like, how can we leverage energy? And then, again, I came across this idea of a wind horse. Immediately it struck a chord with me intuitively because it’s not an earth-bound horse that just moves along the ground either. It’s something that rises and you can think of that wind and that spirit, to me, very much resembled this invisible energy that animates all of us. I got the image of a swirling vortex where it does lift you up and you can move from, like, one plane to another.

The other reason this idea of a wind horse really resonated with me is – I did share this on an earlier episode, I believe – that I had this dream when I was in law school, and I was working so hard in law school and it was very much an example of a wind horse not in action, of trying to create something from energetic depletion because I was working really hard and not getting results that I was happy with that matched that energy. And it was a very costly process for me, energetically and in other ways.

And I had this dream one night, there was a horse racetrack, and one particular jockey and horse had my attention in particular, and I knew it was because they represented different aspects of me. And the race wasn’t even over. There was about a lap to go and the horse just dropped dead, or near-dead from all I could see from my vantage point in the dream. And the jockey got off and was just whipping it harder than it had been whipping it when it was up on four legs and trying to run.

And that was trying to get this dead horse to finish the race by beating a dead horse. So in that dream, I identified that horse as my spiritual self, the essence of me, and that jockey as an ego that was very much controlled and dictated by the world and that was stuck in these cycles of chasing the dream and trying to catch up and trying to keep up and just by forcing and going harder and by pushing harder, and could see, yeah, the way to win a race is to keep going across the finish line, but couldn’t understand that you can’t beat a dead horse to get there.

It couldn’t understand the soul, a thriving healthy soul, or you can also say energy, the resources of life force that are available to you is ultimately what can carry you there, and there’s a better way. And maybe you don’t even have to be on that damn racetrack anyway, but different story, different dream, different time. So that was just another reason that this concept of wind horse really resonated with me.

Because again, not just my life, but with my clients’ lives, I can see that if things just are not working – and I think if your wind horse is not thriving, is not flourishing, then you aren’t going to get the results. It is going to be a struggle. And life is not going to feel like it works, even when you think you are doing all the right things. So, to bring it back and ask yourself, what’s going on with me, at a purely energetic level. Am I truly thriving? What do I need? What is my soul craving? What is my heart craving? What is going to make me come alive?

And again, I want to caution you – more than caution, this is a very strong recommendation from your coach; do not make this an opportunity for victimhood. Because too many times, at this point, people say, “Yeah I’m not thriving because I’m in this career that’s killing my soul.” No, no, no, no. Never give that energetic responsibility, never hand that over. If you’re doing that, take a step back and look at your mindset, not from a place of judgment, but just from a place of pure seeing and compassion and love and be like, “I’m doing that thing she said. I am being a victim, and I’m not going to do that because that sucks the life force right out of my wind horse and I am no longer going to give that power away.”

And again, I see you as victorious. I do not see you as the victim. So know that in what I’m going to say next because if you feel like you’re in that place where your horse is half-dead and the jockey is beating it, it is going to take some time and energy and healing to get that horse restored back to health.

It might take less time than you think. It might take more time than you think. But at no point should you resent the time it takes, but instead, look at nothing as a block to your destiny or slowing you down to your destiny. That again is victim mindset. I want you to see everything that’s right in front of you as the way to your destiny and what makes it the way, but in that moment, you open up your mind to that victory mindset and you know it, you decide it, you declare it to be the way.

That, in that way, you transmute the energy of the obstacle. You become like a martial artist and you absorb the energy of the obstacle and you let it feed that energetic essence and let nothing block you, but everything that comes to you not only is your destiny – and how can you know, but it’s what’s in front of you right now – but it also can be what nourishes your energy and fuels you on the way to your destiny.

Because make no mistake about it, training your mind in this way, with the intensity and the discipline and the commitment, being resolute, committing the way I’ve been talking about it, really committing, going all in, saying, “There is no way I’m not doing this, there is no way I’m not coming through for myself, I am coming through for myself,” it does take energy to generate your destiny.

And be on the lookout for the places where you give energy away with negative thinking and be aware of the ways that you can generate and nurture and steward good energy, also with your thinking.  Because again, when you have low energy, your mind is more easily controlled. It’s more easily controlled by your own negative thinking, and it’s also very susceptible to you thinking the thought that you can be controlled by negative outside forces.

So, in a snapshot, here’s a way to visualize how it can go is that you have a thought come up. And it can go a few different ways. A thought can cause you to stay where you are, in the status quo. A thought can pull you down into much and mire and into a state of confusion and overwhelm and despair and suffering. A thought can also cause you to rise upward on this momentum, this wind horse that leads you to a state of greater and greater liberation and creative power.

And all of this too, know that if you are committed to nourishing and strengthening that essential energy that you have available to you, I think of it also as this core of energy that you have available to you, like a fire, and again, like this wind horse. If you have a very vital wind horse, you’re going to have that at your disposal when you are choosing which thoughts to think.

The stronger this horse is, the less susceptible you’ll be to thoughts that keep you stuck and take you down. It’s the nature of this energetic wind horse. It’s the nature of your soul and spirit to want to rise and carry you to higher states of being and destiny.

So, I also wanted to offer a story – this is not only about if you are feeling stuck and needing to overcome. This work is also very relevant if you are already knocking it out of the park, performing at incredible levels. I have clients who are high achievers, high performers, very successful, and now what they’re wanting to do is do some really amazing real deep work in the world, real soul work.

Last week, I came across a story that I thought illustrated this so beautifully, about the way that tapping into a certain energy can create a momentum that lifts your work even higher. So, many of you, if you’ve been listening, know about my best friend who doesn’t know she’s my best friend, Brandi Carlile. Again, I’ve been following her work from the very beginning. And her art in the world, for sure, has nourished my spirit and I feel like, for sure, has helped increase the vitality of my wind horse.

And then I read this story in Billboard magazine, like the origin story of the Joker song, which if you haven’t seen her Grammy performance of the Joker or watched that music video, why not? You should go do that right away, after you’re done listening to this podcast.

So she was talking about how, one night, she went to bed and she was talking to her wife Catherine and somebody had said something to her about how she really hasn’t had a vocal moment in her music like the one she had with that kind of breakaway song that was so extraordinary, The Story. And she was thinking about why that is.

And her wife said something to the effect of, well, have you had a moment in your life like that that would help – I’m paraphrasing – facilitate that kind of vocal moment in your music? And Brandi thought about that and she thought of a moment. And I’m not going to give it all away because that story is, for sure, worth you going and reading that too, right after you watch the music video and the Grammy performance.

But she talked about a moment, an encounter with a boy, with a young man that was very moving for her. And it gives me chills just thinking about it now. And so, with that, she started to write this song. And then she went with a cello player friend of hers to the studio to record the song. And it was a good song. It was a beautiful song.

And then Dave Cobb came in and was like, hey that is an incredible song and you’re not going to throw it away on some quirky little cello recording. And he’s like, this could be the song of the year and you really need to tap into that and see that. And so not all the way back to the drawing board, but again, back to connecting into what was the higher energy available for that music? What was wanting to happen with that song and tapping into that higher vibration, for lack of a better word, higher frequency, higher meaning of energy and that that really elevated the work.

And if you see that Grammy performance, it is transcendent. It feels like one of those musical spiritual experiences. And I thought that even before I knew this back story about the evolution of the song, the genesis, the original inspiration for the song and then its evolution and this prompting that led this artist to reach higher and higher and tap into a higher meaning for this particular song.

Wow, does that energy come across in the end? So I wanted to share that story as an example, you know, if you were already riding high on your wind horse and you want to take it to all new levels, you want to take your work to all new levels, you want to really reach for something other-worldly, extraordinary, reach into that higher meaning, like what does this mean?

And I don’t know a single one of us whose lives and whose basic life force and vitality can be strengthened, nourished, and increased by always looking for the higher meaning and always taking a step back and looking for the sacred in every moment, starting from the assumption that it’s always there, always wanting to come into play, and reaching for it, and that that immediately elevates your energy and begins to generate more and more of it so that it’s not exactly like the car example I offered in the beginning where you put gas in and the car goes and then later you’ve got to fill up the car with gas.

Yes, your energy does need constant nurturing and cultivation, and as you continue to reach for higher and higher sources of energy, and always in your life, and especially focusing on that which is always within your control, training your mind, that you can create this upward spiraling vortex that you can create positive momentum in your life, so that you’re not always carrying the weight of the world, you’re not always chasing to keep up, but you have built something with your mind, with your heart, with your spirit that then builds an energy that lifts your entire life, that elevates your entire life and raises the experience for you and quite possibly for so many people whose lives that you touch.

This brings me to the part of the podcast where I want you to do more than just listen. I want you to take this information, apply it to your life, integrate it, use it, figure out how to make it work for you, and don’t stop until it does. So lean in here with me, take this information, make this transformational, and really work with me, coach with me.

So, I have a very simple practice. And don’t mistake that for throwaway; simple but profound. For three minutes a day, I want you to write a download of your thoughts, one thought per line. This immediately elevates your awareness. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you know what’s going on in your mind. If right now, you stopped this recording and you wrote down for three minutes everything that’s on your mind, I guarantee there are things running around up there that would surprise you.

And as always, you do this without judgment. You are just curious. It’s objective. You’re putting thoughts on the page. They are just thoughts. They are not you. In order to really get that, you need to get them out of your mind and down on paper.

You know, we always talk about wanting to be able to wrap our minds around something, and I think it’s nearly impossible to wrap your mind around something when it’s up there running around in your own mind, so writing is so powerful and so profound, as is being coached by someone else who is trained to do this objectively and is not going to jump into the dirty pool with you, but is going to hold a space for you to see thoughts, is going to hold up a mirror for your mind and show you what’s going on up there.

So again, three minutes, because I know my perfectionist tendency high achieving listeners out there will go down a rabbit hole, I want to show you that something as simple as raising your awareness for three minutes can radically improve your life. And think of this as an exercise in feeding your wind horse. It’s a deposit into your energetic bank account that will grow exponentially if you do this all the time.

So, for three minutes, you set your timer, you write down one thought per line, again, without judgment. And at the end, you remind yourself, this is not me, these are just my thoughts. And additional extra credit homework, if you care to add on two minutes, and the next minute, you just write down, what are the current results, just a summary of some of the current results you’re getting in life; the ones you like, the ones you don’t like.

In the next minute – this will take you to five minutes – I want you to write down your most desired results in life. Again, it can really only take a minute, just pouring out from your heart. And then, I just want you to let your awareness, your non-judgmental, very inquisitive, deeply wise awareness survey the territory. Look at that thought download. See if it correlates more to the current results that you’re getting, and do you like that?

Do you like the results that you’re getting? Can you see the connection between the level of thoughts that you’re thinking and the level of results that you’re getting? And then compare it to what you want the results to be.

And again, I want to bring you back to what I offered earlier in the episode. Always empower yourself to say, “I’m choosing this.” Because the thing is, when you know and you own that you’re choosing, you can always choose differently, and deciding choosing to train your mind so that you prune and you let go of the thoughts that drain the energy, that drain the life force form your wind horse, and instead reaching more and more forethoughts that align with your destiny, that nourish that wind horse. That truly is going to give you the vitality you need to create your destiny, to ride on the winds, on this great up-current of creative power and potential.

Thank you so much so much for listening to another episode of The Art School Podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode and other episodes, the best thing you can do to pay it forward is to go to iTunes and leave a review. It would also be wonderful, and I’d so appreciate it, if you would share this podcast with anyone you think who could benefit from this, anyone whose life and whose energy that you want to enrich.

Because again, a rising tide lifts all ships, and even bigger than this being about an art school community, I really want this to be a movement. I want this to work in your life. I know, if it works in your life, that that is the kind of change that changes the whole world. And if you are very serious about taking your life to all new levels, I have limited availability for new clients in 2020.

I’m currently working off a waitlist for private clients, and I’m taking even fewer private clients in 2020 than I ever have before. So if you’ve been waiting for the right time, now is the right time. I have been increasingly generating so much more energy, I have a strong wind at my back, I am excited not only about sailing into 2020, but the decade beyond.

I have big beautiful bold audacious plans and I feel stronger than ever. And again, I have a hard time keeping these episodes under the hour, because, like this episode, I had 15 note cards on my desk, and I decided, you’ve got to keep it to 12 otherwise this is going to be way over time.

There is so much work that I’m excited to do and excited to share, and working one on one with people is amazing transformative work. I’m also going to be offering different iterations of The Art School in 2020 and a longer version later in the fall. And that is something that you will also want to be on the waitlist for because spots are limited. I am very high-touch with my coaching. We go deep and you get a lot of personal attention. I think about individuals and it’s life-changing work. So, if you haven’t joined us already, I don’t know why not. Come join us and ride this rising tide.

You know, this work is not for everyone. I think there are certain aspects of the work where maybe listening to the podcast many times for a few years is exactly what you need and I want you to honor that. And then I also know that where I’m going to be investing my one to one time is with people who are like, it’s ride or die time, I’m ready to take it higher. I’m ready to go. I’m ready to take this work deeper.  I’m ready to ask even more of myself. I’m ready to come through for myself and I’m so ready to share this visionary plan I have with the world. I’m so ready to take this beautiful song I made and make it a transcendent one.

Whatever is the deeper real soul work that’s calling you, that’s the work that I’m going to be doing with my private clients, 2020 and beyond. So if that sounds like you, if that’s speaking at all to you, you can send an email with discover consult in the subject line to and we can set up a time to see if one on one coaching is what you’re looking for or if there is an Art School experience that would be just what you need to take your life, your creativity, your art, your finances, your relationship, your way of being to all new levels.

To close the podcast today, I want to give you just another brief pep-talk. So think about your body. We’ve been told there are about 30-trillion-plus cells in our body. And our body is held together, the way it does, by our mind.

Our mind holds our body this way. Think about it, our mind goes and our body doesn’t stay for very much longer afterwards. So in the same way, your life and what you create and what you experience, who you are in the world and your reality, your real life looks and feels and is the way it does currently because of the way your mind is holding it that way.

So your mind has so much more power over your reality than you are usually currently giving it credit for. Every opportunity you can have to take back your power, to shape your thoughts, means you take back your power to shape your mind.

Every opportunity you take back to shape your thoughts and then shape your mind is another time you take back your power to shape your life. And every time you do that, you change the world, truly from the inside out.

I love you guys. Thank you so much for being a part of The Art School community. I hope you have a beautiful week. I’m so excited to go to Iowa for Thanksgiving. I’ll have a new podcast episode that builds on this following. I’ll even have some details about the retreat I’m offering at the end of January. I have a few spots left. So if I don’t sell out, I can share those then too.

So, until next time, take good care. I’ll talk to you guys soon.

Enjoy The Show?