1. Don’t wait to create.
2. Don’t say, “I don’t know.”

Hello, my friends and Happy Friday!

It is a very good Friday here, which you might not have known from the bossy way I introduced this article, lol! (i.e., Two things to stop doing immediately…!)

But here’s why I really mean that.

I love to help people bring their dreams to life, make their art, and make money.  Some of this work is straight forward and, in retrospect, feels like common sense.  At other times, getting to this place feels to my clients and to me…magical.  I do believe dwelling in creativity lends itself to abundant doses of magic, but I also think creativity can guide you to that groove in life where your soul and whole being are just singing.  What feels like magic is often the feeling of being really, truly ALIVE.  This is the place I love to be and the place that I want for everyone I work with at well.  You still have to work, but the way life and art flows, it feels …like magic.

So today I wanted to share with you two of the most common ways that I see people blocking their magic. You could call them “self-inflicted curses” if you were so inclined.  And, if it’s fun for you, you could think of what I’m about to share as the anecdote, the counter spell….or the way you bless your own life and the world with your creative genius (by the way, one of the roots of “genius” is the indwelling spirit…).

As I wrote above, the two most common ways I see people blocking themselves, holding themselves back, and generally getting in their own way is by 1) waiting to create until [insert: more money, more classes, more skill, more confidence, kids go to school, kids graduate, etc….], and 2) by saying, “I don’t know [insert: how to proceed, what the next step is, if I could ever make money doing this, if I’ll be any good, if anyone will like it, what the big picture is, how it’s going to all work out, etc…].

The anecdote, the counter spell, the blessing?

Don’t do these things.

But I get it.  It is so much easier said than done.  One one hand, it is as simple than that, but on the other it takes a lot of awareness, focused attention, deliberate intention and work. It is a daily (and countless times a day) practice and devotion or retraining your mind to align with the possibility and potentialities of your spirit and your imagination – rather than what you’ve come to expect from yourself, from the world, from “reality” as most people currently know it.

And I do have more to say on these topics and A LOT more to an individual person who presents to me their individual version of “I’m waiting to create because…” or “I don’t know….”

So, if you’d like to read a couple examples of this, below I’ve shared excerpts from emails I’ve written to a few creative souls this week who emailed me about The Art School.

I do believe that what is most personal is also most universal, so maybe something in these love letters to those creative souls will resonate with your own!

To one beautiful mama whose soul is shouting, “PAINT!” but who is waiting for different circumstances, I wrote:

One thing I do know I need to say though before I let you go tonight – don’t wait to paint.  Get that creativity in anyway you can – no doodle is insignificant, no poem on a cocktail napkin is too small.  Your creativity will bring a healing, empowering energy into your life that will help all things.  I hope you are down with the woo, but it’s true!  So don’t wait for the money to paint – because painting may very well help you open up the channels for money – and all sorts of all good things.  Here is what I *heard* once as I was painting and had asked, no one in particular, why painting feels so amazing to me, “Because your creativity carries with it the essence of who you really are…”

Don’t wait to paint.

And trust – KNOW – that a part of you already has this whole thing figured out.  Listen to her – she’ll take you where you want to go.”

To yet another gorgeous woman (who is also a fierce mama bear – I’m lucky to know a lot of these!) who has creativity just busting out of the seams of her soul and who just needed a reminder (don’t we all! Myself included!) to trust her own deepest wisdom and intuition…

Here is what I have to offer, it is simple but if you do this one thing, life will never be the same:

Do not allow yourself to say or believe, “I don’t know”… or any variation of that.

I’m sure you know you are a very intelligent woman, a wise woman, and I think you probably even have a sense that you are also intuitive.

Saying “I don’t know” or allowing yourself to indulge in confusion will only block the gifts of the wisdom coming from within you and the guidance that is trying to come to you…from whatever place such higher, beautiful guidance comes.

Replace “I don’t know” with, “I’m willing to know, I am open to knowing, or I am figuring it out, I am learning, I know the very next small thing I can do…” or all sorts of variations on that.

This will be a game-changer for you.”

If you’ve felt stuck or stymied in your creativity or life in general, felt like you are chronically “waiting to really live,” or have some beautiful dreams that you’re just not getting any traction on, I hope something I’ve shared here helps. If you think you have a different block, hit reply to this email and let me know. I respond personally to every email.

In any event, set your heart and mind on finding the intention that is game-changing for you.  Trust the creative process – your creativity and dreams want to come to life as much as you want them to and setting such an intention will set those invisible forces in motion to conspire on your behalf!

Tell yourself, about yourself, “You make me believe in magic.”

And just watch what happens.

Have a beautiful weekend, everyone!

With love,


P.S. Just two weeks until The Art School takes off! The second tier of early bird pricing expires next Friday, August 31, but the deadline for snagging a bonus coaching session with me is midnight tonight, August 24! Because this going to be a highly personalized program with lots of individual attention given to each participant, I have space for just seven more people. If you’ve been waiting to create, saying you don’t know how (to make the money, the time, the dream a reality!), this could be exactly what you’ve been waiting for. If you JUST KNOW this is just what you need, hit reply to this email with what results you’d like to create in three months (it could be the beginning of a new business, an extra $5K a month, a new body of work, a draft of your book, a new, completely reimagined chapter in your life…).  You can hit reply to this email with any questions and I will answer them all! You can learn more at this link: The Art School  and also by visiting www.leahcb.com/the-art-school   XOXO!