“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

~ Albert Einstein

This week, I have a very special treat for you. I was lucky enough to have a conversation with somebody I absolutely can’t get enough of. Having this conversation with a person so committed to spreading love and healing the world was so incredible for me. I cannot wait for you to hear what she has to say for herself.

Introducing world-renowned spiritual teacher, clairvoyant, doctor of acupuncture, writer, and lecturer Dr. Deganit Nuur. Besides being named one of the top-15 intuitives globally by Gwyneth Paltrow’s publication Goop, Deganit has been featured in the New York Times, Vanity Fair, Vogue, Forbes, and countless other amazing publications.

I was lucky enough to work with Dr. Nuur recently and I’m so excited to be able to pick her brain for all of you. Tune in for Deganit’s amazing tips on following your passion, not succumbing to the voices that tell you that you can’t, and instead, listen to the voice of passion in your mind.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How Deganit got started on her journey of healing transformation.
  • Why Deganit saw a real need for her personal brand of healing.
  • How, if you don’t take care of yourself spiritually, that can grow into emotional and then physical adversity.
  • Dr. Nuur’s tips for letting your creativity flow freely and honestly.
  • How to tune into the voice that tells you to follow your passion, instead of the voices of societal pressure that say otherwise.
  • The profound power of a community rising together.

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Full Episode Transcript:

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” Albert Einstein.

Today’s episode I’m so excited to share with you. It is a conversation with someone who is as passionate as I am about reclaiming this intuitive aspect, this sacred aspect, and integrating it with as powerful rational mind we have. Today’s podcast guest is Dr. Deganit Nuur.

Dr Nuur is a world-renowned spiritual teacher, clairvoyant, doctor of acupuncture, writer, and lecturer. Besides being named one of the top-15 intuitives globally by Gwyneth Paltrow’s publication Goop, Deganit has been featured in the New York Times, Vanity Fair, Vogue, Forbes, and countless other amazing publications.

Deganit is committed to spreading love and peace globally and knows that world peace starts with inner peace. So she’s devoted to being of service to beautiful souls in their journey towards inner peace, which is embodied through her company Nuurvana’s mission statement, “Expand your light, expand your life.”

So, listen in today, learn how to connect even more strongly to your intuition and how to apply that to every aspect of your life so that you can expand your light and expand your life.

You are listening to The Art School Podcast; a show for artists and creatives who want to become the next greatest version of themselves. Learn how to cultivate an extraordinary way of being and take the mystery out of making money, and the struggle out of making art. Here is your host, master certified life coach, artist, and former lawyer, Leah Badertscher.

Welcome back, all of you beautiful creative souls. Thanks for tuning in again. And I am so excited to talk with you this week and to have you listen into my conversation with Deganit Nuur.

So, I first learned about Dr. Nuur from one of my beloved friends, beloved clients who lives in New York City and had a session with Dr. Nuur. And then she sent me a message and said, “You know, she’s really phenomenal and there’s something about her I think you would really enjoy speaking with her as well.”

So I set up a session with Deganit and was really blown away by not only her stunning intuition and the way it flowed, but how it felt like such a fun creative collaboration for me. And I felt like her energy was also uplifting. And I have probably what would be a fairly unusual wellness and self-care plan, but over the years, I’ve developed something that I know works for me and works to empower my creativity, nourish my soul on all levels and have learned to overcome inhibitions I’ve had about it or ways that I would apologize for it.

But I know what works.  And knowing and speaking with someone like Dr. Nuur works for me. And I loudly resonated on so many topics, including, like, the Einstein quote that I introduced at the beginning of the segment, which was a quote – I used to have this Albert Einstein poster on the wall of my childhood bedroom, I think from the time I was 11. I got it at a museum gift shop or something.

But it had various Einstein quotes on it and pictures of him, and that one about intuition – there are others – always really spoke to me. And it’s interesting because that has become so much of my life’s work is that I think this is – not only think, I know – this is part of our path forward is to reintegrate and reclaim our intuition and to develop that as an aspect of what is going to help us be our most powerfully creative, healthy, radiant, loving selves. That’s what’s going to help us heal ourselves and others and the planet and give us the ability to create a compelling future going forward.

So anyway, Deganit and I, I felt like, resonate on so many levels. And because I believe my experience of creativity is so intertwined with spirituality and being in alignment with your purpose and your reason for being here and the meaning of life and also my creativity is very much related to what it is to be intuitive and to trust your intuition – and not only when it comes to making art.  And then not only when it comes to coaching people, but also in all areas of life, in places where we think we can’t really trust our intuition, like relationships or money.

And so I love how Deganit has really moved into the mainstream. Like, you heard all those publications I cited that she’s been featured and making this a topic, intuition and spirituality and these various modalities of health and healing which she has become a sought-after lecturer, presenter, teacher, healer, and mentor.

Also, since I have this own personal, and also for universal reasons, fascination with, you know, what is creative genius and what is our creative process and what is the process of other phenomenally extraordinary creative beings, I am so fascinated by Deganit’s story, her own story, and her creative process and how she works.

So, I wanted to make that available to all of you. There are so many takeaways in this conversation and we went over what I anticipated, so this conversation will actually be an episode in two parts. So you’ll be able to listen in this week and then catch the end next week. And you’ll definitely want to stay around for both parts because there’s just various times she’ll say things and it’s such a gem, it’s the sort of thing that you can take on a walk with you and you could contemplate easily for a week, years, and chew on it for a long time. It’s just the kind of wisdom that continues to give. So, without further ado, I’m so excited to share with you this conversation with Dr. Deganit Nuur.

Leah: Thank so much for agreeing to do this.

Deganit: Oh, I’m so thrilled. Thank you, I’m so flattered, yeah, thank you for having me.

Leah: You are welcome. It’s my honor to have you. And I was reading your mission statement again earlier on your about me page and I was like, yes. I know you have so much to say that listeners are going to love.

Deganit: I love it. I’m so excited.

Leah: So I am going to do a formal intro for you, I’ll record that, so we can just dive in. And because this is kind of your expertise – I’ve had sessions with you, so I’m blown away by how you just jump in and roll and you have so much to say, there’s such an ease and fluency to how tapped in you are, and that is a lot of what I want to talk about today. But I also first wanted to honor the space, the conversation, by seeing if there’s any place you want to begin.

Deganit: No, like, I don’t have a place that I want to begin. I loved the email that you wrote and I feel like we are on a similar mission and I love that and I love that. And I love that you’re empowering artists to think more highly of themselves and believe they can. So I’m here for it.

Leah: Okay, great. So, like, the Nuur Method, your philosophy, could you describe that a little bit more?

Deganit: Yes, absolutely, so I guess I’ll back it up to how I was feeling and, like, I grew up not feeling really great and I’m definitely an empath, like many artists and creatives are. And I didn’t know what that meant and I didn’t realize how much it was adversely affecting me. And so then I started meditating and I found this teacher and that teacher and I got acupuncture and all these different healing modalities and they all had their part in my healing transformation, which I appreciate.

But still, it always felt like there was something missing. Like, my one healer was missing this and that and the other healer was missing this and that. And so, the more that I tuned into my own healing abilities and the more healing modalities I started gathering along the years, the more I wanted to offer something that was encompassing of the whole for people.

So I basically created the thing that I thought was missing in the world. So it combines intuition, it combines acupuncture. It now combines sound healing and essential oils. And so we’re really getting at it from all angles, anatomically, biochemically, physiologically, mentally, consciously, psychologically, like, all of it. And I’ve just found it to be really effective.

I mean, the number one feedback that I receive from clients is that they’ll say it’s like years of therapy in 20 minutes, you know. And I think it’s the wisdom that each of the different healing modalities brings in layered together. So yeah.

Leah: So it was part of your intuition, to gather the healing…

Deganit: Yes…

Leah: And that empowered your intuition.

Deganit: Yeah, and when I went to acupuncture school, in the first year, you know, they’re teaching you the philosophy around it and how it was developed and it’s been around for thousands of years, and it’s based in oracle readings.  It’s actually based in divination. So they used to throw bones into fire and, depending on how the bones cracked, they’d be like, “Oh the ancestors are saying we’ve got to treat your foot or this has to do with your relationship,” or whatever. And those same bones then later developed into the I Ching.

So there’s like all this energetic understanding of – so in Taoism, it’s man is nature becoming aware of itself. And so it’s observance of nature and how does that speak to my own personal tiny little ecosystem, I’m the microcosm of the macrocosm, and as much as I loved acupuncture school philosophically, still it was rote memorization. It was a very western approach to this eastern philosophy and, like, how to pass the test so that you could practice. And I can’t think of a better way. I wish there were still apprenticeships, but I get that that’s just not very practical in this current age. So I just thought there was so much missing, even from acupuncture school.

And so, when I graduated, I wanted to take it back to – my understanding to the roots of acupuncture is spirit comes first and any mental imbalances are a materialization of a spiritual imbalance. And then, if you don’t cure the mental imbalances, then it gets louder and you’ll see it in your body with physical aches or pains, limitations in your body, immune stuff.

And so if you can identify the things at spirit level, usually the mental emotional stuff resolves, the physical stuff resolves. If you’re not listening at spirit level, the whisper gets a little bit louder at the mental emotional level. If you’re still not paying attention, it gets even louder and I adversely affects your body. And so, also with the Nuurvana method, we go straight to spirit and address things there and watch as it ripples down into mind and body.

Leah: Oh wow.  So then, as you’re talking, I’m thinking – you’re talking about how it affects the body and it affects your mental emotional state. And then what about how it affects your ability to create what you envision creating in the world?

Deganit: Right, so it blows my mind still to think about the possibility that any of us even exist. The likelihood of any of us incarnating into human form is, like, one in 10 trillion, you know. There’s just no reason why any of us should be. We’re each a miracle. It’s amazing. And just thinking of a huge oak tree that comes from the tiniest little seed, like, we’re all born with infinite potential and possibility. My understanding is, and then you grow up and get all this conditioning, like girls do this, boys do that. If you’re short you do this, if you’re tall you do that. If your skin color is… We just have all this programming and conditioning and all of that limits, limits, limits us and outs us into tiny little boxes or ways of existing that then our hope and possibility and our creativity then becomes limited to that destined path for us.

And so the way this all leads into creativity is once you get rid of all those layers of the outside world that have nothing to do with you and never did, it just opens you up to your pure potential and all of your authentic hopes and dreams, not like the ones that were placed in there by culture. Like, if you love dancing, dance, you know.

And oftentimes, the more you follow your bliss and the more you dance, you can create a career out of it. Or it can be your joy and you can funnel that joy into your career, into your relationships. But most of us don’t even offer ourselves the opportunity or the luxury of listening into that tiny little voice that’s like, I just want to dance or I want to paint or, you know.

Leah: Can you speak to that? So I think it’s honoring that tiny little voice, because a lot of the other voices are so loud and obvious. And I feel like it’s that tiny little voice, if you tune in, it’s like a mountainside. It’s quiet and it’s deep and it doesn’t go away, that voice that’s like, “Just dance, just dance, just dance.” And it’s incessant, but it’s not loud and obvious. And I think, when I talk to clients they’re waiting for it to be loud and obvious.

Deganit: Truly, yeah.

Leah: They’re looking for the permission from the outside world. Like here, we’re going to quit saying all of these things about how you have to be, you know, a certain gender, a certain height, come from a certain family, a certain socioeconomic status and then you’re worthy, you can do these things. But that voice is the one that is giving you the permission. So do you have, when you work with people, do you have – because I know you have the Nu It School too, in that program, do you teach people to honor that voice or what would be some first steps in tuning in and honoring and acknowledging that?

Deganit: Absolutely, so the thing is that the voice is always there and it’s always present and it is always consistent. And I completely agree with you that it is a whisper and the rest of life is shouting at you. So it’s really easy to miss the voice or dismiss it or devalue it and be like, well these shouts are louder so the shouts win.

And so the first thing that I always teach people isn’t necessarily to tune into the voice, because it’s constantly there.  I once had a personal trainer when – I wasn’t born with a six-pack. I probably will never have a six-pack. And he was like, everyone has a six-pack. Like, everyone, we’re all made out of muscle, you know. Everyone has that, it’s just you’ve got to shed the other stuff that’s on top of the six-pack. And that’s how I view this, is you all have the intuition within, everyone has creativity. We’re all designed in that. Like, creativity created us. We are created through a creative form.

So we are creativity and consciousness, and I think the first step isn’t necessarily to turn up the volume on that inner voice because there’s weird association with that and all the self-doubt, but it’s more to let go of all the other voices. So if you catch yourself being like, oh no I’m not blank enough for that, just did I think that? Or was that my thought? Was that thought given to me? Is that mine or can I let that go? Is that authentic to me? And just keep questioning what you’re actually thinking and what you’re setting yourself up for and where did you pick that up? Because the chances are, it’s not your authenticity.

I do have some free meditation downloads at nuurvana.com/meditation. So the Grounding Cord just helps you put all those other voices, you turn them into color and then you watch as that color leaves your body. And then the only thing that you’re left with is your own light, is your own voice. And then it’s that much easier to tune into it when all the other background noise is gone. Does that make sense?

Leah: Yes, that’s awesome. So, how loud were those outside voices for you? Because you were on the path to being a dentist, correct?

Deganit: Yeah, would say I was brainwashed. Yeah, totally, oh yeah, they were so loud. They were so very, very loud. And full disclosure, they were still loud – my friends have a big role in my journey. So the first two years of offering readings, I doubted every single reading. So I’d offer people readings, I would tell them the trajectory that I saw for their career path or for their health or whatever, and weeks later, they’d come back and be like, you were right, this happened, that happened.

And I told them they were all lying to me. I was like, this isn’t cool, you’re messing with me. And I was like, I’m a dentist, this is just a hobby. And my friends really encouraged the practice, the feedback was just too real to keep dismissing and ignoring and self-doubting. And so I finally surrendered to it two years after practicing. So I guess I was faking it until I made it.

Like, I did continue with the practice even though I didn’t always believe in myself or believe that this could be a career path, and then I just kind of got tired of my own bullshit and was like, look, this is fun, I’m having fun with this, these people are clearly benefitting. I don’t actually want to be a dentist, like, why on earth am I putting myself in a more difficult situation that’s that much less rewarding when these doors have clearly opened and why can’t I just surrender to it being easier, you know?

Leah: And so was that an evolution for you, like, “Hey, I’m making this harder than it needs to be,” like, the surrender?

Deganit: It was a major evolution, yeah. And I’ve got to say, my partner at the time is the one that signed me up for just an interview to acupuncture school. So they say rejection is the universe’s protection. I got rejected from dental school and the person I was dating was like, well I set up an interview for you at this acupuncture school. And that really infuriated me and I was like, no I’m a dentist. I was so brainwashed. I was so, just, I wanted to make my mom proud. I just wanted to do right. And then the entire acupuncture interview, I was like crying because it just felt so true and the philosophy of acupuncture is just so beautiful. It’s so poetic and it just felt too right to dismiss and ignore anymore. But still, it takes a village and I had my therapist, I had my psychic, I had all my friends, I had all my self-help books, like, I had all my allies assuring me into acupuncture school and into my path as a healer, yes.

Leah: I love that. I mean, there’s so many places I could go with that one, like community, the importance of community. And you can be very in touch with your – or not – start to be in touch with your wisdom, but it’s still not like a lone-wolf situation.

Deganit: It doesn’t have to be. I don’t think that the lone-wolfs are quite as successful, personally. And it’s just not as gratifying. Like, it’s also just not as fun. So as I’m going through acupuncture, that said partner, we then broke up but we’re still best friends. I actually officiated her wedding a few years ago. So yeah, so we’re still besties, but she’s gotten to go on this journey with me and she’s like, cheering for me in acupuncture school. She was one of my first clients when I created the Nuurvana Method and merged them.

Not just her, but all of anyone that I had ever read back in my self-understanding as a dentist, all of those clients were then so excited to then be my first guinea pigs when I was trying out acupuncture and to, like, transition with me and growing with me. We all rise together in a really beautiful way. So it was just so much more fun and rewarding to, I think personally, to engage the community. And then it also offers others – I think witnessing is really powerful because then other people open up about their hopes and dreams and so, I’ll use that same example.

So now she’s married to the partner of her life and I’ve held her hand through that process and held space for her through that and she has taken her career in corporate and really shifted it and molded it to something that’s he wants. It was definitely not set before her. Like, they had a different outline for her. And of course, we’re still working together because we always will. So through our sessions and through the encouragement also of her community outside of me, she’s now loving her dreams in an atypical way, in a way that she had to carve out that path. And it did take a little bit of effort to carve that out, but I feel like, because she knew she wasn’t doing it alone, it made it easier, you know.

Leah: And that, the way you phrased that, like the witnessing being such an important aspect of it – because I feel like that, to me, is a lot of what powerful coaching is, is witnessing and holding a space for someone to – I mean, sometimes people begin it with, “I’m going to confess this dream,” but there is something powerful, I think, about sharing that with someone else, but them having somebody witness, in you, a potential that you hope in your heart is true, but it’s so powerful to have the other. And I think that’s one of your gifts, of your many gifts, I feel like is that there is something just transformative in the way you hold a space and witness.

Deganit: Thank you.

Leah: Well, the way you described too that, like, the first two years that maybe you felt like you were faking it until you made it, so a few of the things you described was describing career paths or relationship. So what is that process like for you when someone comes, do they ask for career advice, relationship advice, or were you just telling them what came to you in general?

Deganit: So often, people do come with specific questions. And usually, we end up answering questions that they’re not asking.  I will say, not everyone’s always ready. And so sometimes people do come with their specific questions and I’ll tell them an answer that they’re just not ready for.

So if somebody’s still in that self-doubt game and I’m seeing huge success for them that I can’t even tell you, it breaks my heart how often that happens  when I’m like, this person’s rooting for you, like, it’s easy, go for it. And they’re like, oh no, you don’t know my mom, I couldn’t possibly, oh no. And it’s like, okay, so I guess I don’t know why you’re paying me. Yeah, the self-understanding and self-mastery are so huge and I think especially for creatives because it’s so shapeless and formless. There’s not like a bar graph or an Excel sheet that helps you own and channel and shape and mold your purpose, you know.

And so better understanding yourself and where you end and the world begins and what you want to do with that and how you want to be of service and how you want to put that on display and offer that in a way that both heals the world and heals the world at the same time, I feel like that’s the sweet spot. But everyone’s sweet spot is going to look different.  And I totally lost myself, what was the question, sorry?

Leah: And I am just, again, like I sent in my email to you beforehand, I tried to constrain my thoughts because I want to talk to her about all the things, everything. Because what really stuck out to me when you were talking, again, about fake it until you make it for those first couple of years. Because I know for myself, you know, I had starts where I’d go so far and be like, I totally feel this, I know this is my truth. And then the outside voices come in or my own self-doubt, and then it was enough of that where, like, this thing within me is not going away, so I can stop the micro-quits and I can stop the self-doubting, or at least not listen to it as much because this other thing clearly is not going away.

And for a lot of my clients, it’s they feel like they’re in a prolonged fake it until they make it state. And I think sometimes, there’s part of that that we can continue to do good things.

Deganit: Absolutely.

Leah: Like you were helping your friends. You were moving down your path. And sometimes, you can’t always see that you are moving down your path because that feeling of being an imposter is so loud. And sometimes, I wonder if that feeling of being an imposter isn’t also this sort of still a protective mechanism of, like, don’t go too far into who you are because there is something, I don’t know why, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this, there’s something so big about the soul and living from the soul.

I was at Lake Michigan this last week and I love swimming in Lake Michigan. I love it. It just feels like home and so soul satisfying. And it’s also kind of terrifying because it’s so big and I find myself going out deeper and something in me loves that and craves it, and at the same time, something in me is like, I have to calm down a part of me that wants to panic.

Deganit: Right.

Leah: And I thought, this is what creativity is like for me when it’s good, is like, oh look at this big huge open expanse of possibility, potential, and it’s a big energy. And then, at the same time, you’re like, what’s out there and what’s not out there? And whether it’s the big water or whether it’s creativity, and I feel like that’s a little bit of we make up small reasons to not do it, like I’m an imposter, I’m not good enough. But maybe, what we’re really scared of is just that power that we sense.

Deganit: Right, absolutely because truly it is self-expression is raw and vulnerable and honest and transparent as you’ll ever be. The more you surrender yourself to your higher self, and so there’s everyone’s fear of approval, what if they don’t like me, what if I lose friends, what if they laugh at me, which is again, why witnessing is so powerful.

Because here you are expressing your greatest desires, which can also be your greatest fears, and your coach or your witness is proud of you instead of laughing at you. That can be so powerful and help you be proud of yourself for me. Have you heard that Marianne Williamson quote where she says our deepest fear isn’t that we’re inadequate but that it’s we’re adequate beyond measure and we think to ourselves who am I to be so beautiful, intelligent, creative, she goes on and on?

So I think it is a universal fear because we stand out that way. We all want a sense of belonging and then the deeper you go into the lake, the more you’re standing out. Most people are hanging out at the shallow end and there you are, and so you’re drawing attention to yourself in a way and so our idea of a sense of belonging, which I think is just human nature for all of us to crave that, and our idea of it is homogeny or fitting in or looking like them, but what if your sense of belonging is being deep in the lake? What if your sense of belonging is I’m this artist, this creative, I’m this intuitive – whatever it might be, but what if that’s how you belong? But I don’t think we’re trained to believe that that could offer a sense of belonging, you know?

Leah: I love that because I feel – that for sure was part of my work and continues to be, and I know it is for clients too because I think at each layer for me, it’s then I’m going to be out there. I’m going to be out there, and just as you said that we assume that being out there means that we’re then – we’re not going to belong anywhere, but the more I’ve been out there, the more I authentically am out there in the world, and the more that I can actually belong because it’s me out there.

Deganit: Right. The more you’re belonging to yourself, the more you’re owning yourself and belonging to yourself and making it that much easier for others to share that sense of belonging with you.

Leah: And I find that working with people, when we’re crystalizing what their vision or their dream for their life is like and bringing it down to its essence, it’s about – well, first I’ll say security and freedom, but then when you boil those down, it’s like security and freedom to be themselves in the world. To feel at home in the world, to have permission to think what they think and to feel what they feel, which I feel also helps develop your intuition, creativity, if you just give yourself permission to be like well, this occurred to me therefore it is legitimate.

Deganit: Right, yeah.

Leah: So did you – after the leap and the evolution from okay, I’m going to acupuncture school, I’m doing these readings for friends, did you have any other layers of resistance after that or has it just been like woo, here I am world?

Deganit: It gets easier. It definitely gets easier, but then yeah, so then I opened up – so first I was practicing in a small studio and then I opened up, and that was comfortable and easy and I outgrew it and I opened up this healing center of my dreams, where I had eight practitioners and we had ground up crystals in the walls. We painted – holes into the walls and there was always somebody playing a sound bowl. There was a sound bowl in every single room and so the sound would reverberate from the bowls onto the walls. It was amazing.

And it felt too good to be true. I had majorly up-leveled and again, for probably a good year, every day I’d go into work and I’d put the key into the keyhole and turn the doorknob, and for whatever reason, I just thought I’d open the door and it would be blank. The holes disappeared. So irrational and weird but yeah, definitely it’s every up-leveling, the doubt creeps in and those same weird things happen where it’s like, do I deserve this? Am I being an imposter? Who do I think I am? Can I afford this rent? Why are eight people listening to me? Why should they follow my guidance?

All the weird thoughts. And then you outgrow that, and if you persist, if you don’t give into the thoughts and continue on your path regardless of what the thoughts want you to do, then it gets really comfortable and you get bored and outgrow it and then it all happens again.

Thank you so much for listening to another episode of The Art School Podcast. I really hope you enjoyed this episode and this special conversation with an extraordinary woman, Dr. Deganit Nuur. She really is pure love and charisma when you speak with her and when you’re with her, she’s someone whose presence and being alone elevates you. I love this saying of be someone who brings good luck to everyone the moment you enter the room, and I feel like. Dr. Deganit Nuur embodies that.

So as you noticed in this conversation, I had a hard time constraining myself because there were so many things that I love talking with her about and that I would love to have her speak with you about. So again, I’m excited that next week I’ll be able to bring you part two of this conversation. So definitely come back and listen to that.

Also, I did not want to leave you without the coach with me segment from this week’s episode. So while there were so many takeaways in this conversation, I wanted to highlight two things that were particularly striking about Deganit’s own story and which I know she also teaches actively to her students about how to develop their intuition and actualize, realize, create their dream lives.

And that, if you recall was when she talked about the importance of community, and the other thing she talked about was the importance of eventually, you get tired of adding to your own suffering by questioning your dreams and questioning your intuition. So we can be persistent in two ways. We can persist in our doubt, in our skepticism, in our negativity, or we can persist in faith.

And from Deganit’s story, you can hear that her persisting and faith was definitely aided by community. So it might come as a surprise to some people that connecting to your inner most wisdom and channeling something that is a gift that comes through you is actually aided and supported by being connected to those that love and care about you and see the best in you and want the best for you.

So my first coach with my assignment for you is to think about how can you, if you don’t already have that community, how can you actively create that community in your life? And I can hear some of you already because I talk to you say, but I don’t have that kind of community. So don’t be a victim in that situation please. Take an active role and then just as in the wisdom of we can’t wait for our soul mates to come, we have to first be the soul mate we want to have, think of that. Be the kind of person you would want to be in community with and then be open to that kind of community and allow yourself to receive their support.

This is a large part of the reason why I started to do group coaching programs and why I have The Art School is to create an opportunity for this kind of high-level, high-frequency uplifting, positive, loving, constructive, powerfully creative community. So find your own. Don’t settle for less than that. And also, be that.

Second of all, ask yourself all the times that you spend and all the energy that you might spend questioning, doubting, am I really good at this? After a while, you do get kind of tired of that questioning. When you turn to yourself and ask, but am I ever going to cease from this path? And that’s something I had to ask myself because in the early years, I did a lot of micro quits and I did a lot of doubting until at some point, I got so exhausted and I realized the exhaustion was not coming from me following the dream. The exhaustion was coming from me fighting my own resistance that was created by those voices that I always had to fight against, which were coming from me.

So I said listen here, I am never going to give up on this. I am doing this. This is who I am. So you can persist or you can’t, but I’m not going to stop doing this. There is no way that I am not following these dreams, that I am not creating these dreams. And it’s amazing how much that started to quiet the noise and how much energy that liberated and came back into me, that then I could use as forward momentum instead of just trying to keep the walls from closing in on me.

So think about those two areas of your life where you might be clogging your own channel to your creative power, to your intuition, to your spiritual alignment. Have you given yourself the opportunity to cultivate community and are you making it unnecessarily hard? Are you creating unnecessary suffering for yourself?

I would love for you to embody Deganit’s mission, for you to expand your light and expand your life. So again, I hope you will not just listen to this podcast but take away these words of wisdom and really think about how you can apply them to your life and then go out and do these things in the world. Make this not just information but make it transformational.

Finally, I also usually leave you with closing inspiration and I have that in spades for you today. I have a very special closing inspiration for you. You’ve heard me talk before about one of my extraordinary clients, Hope Dunbar, and this will not be the last time you hear Hope Dunbar’s name either in my podcast or out in the world because this woman, you’ll see her on stage at the Grammy’s someday.

You heard it here first. You’ll see her at Red Rock. You’ll hear her on the radio, and here is your opportunity to be a part of her legacy to music and her light and her rise to stardom because she is launching a Kickstarter campaign. August 23rd. So to celebrate that and to celebrate Hope and her launching into this new stratosphere of her career as a musician and into the world of music, she’ll be producing not just one to two new albums this fall.

She is launching a Kickstarter campaign. It starts off August 23rd and I will have information where you can follow Hope and learn more about her music and learn more about how you can be a very special part of her creative process and of her incredible music. Really, when I think of Hope and her music, I’m reminded of the early 2000s when I first learned about Brandi Carlile and she became one of my all-time favorite artists.

And people would say who are some of your favorite musicians? And I’d say Brandi Carlile, and they’d say Belinda? I’m like, no, who’s that? Who’s Brandi Carlile? How can you not know? She’s so destined for greatness, and that’s the way I feel about Hope. You heard it here first. So be one of the early adopters and the cool kids. Check Hope out and my closing inspiration for you today is one of her gorgeous songs.

So I hope you enjoy that and have a beautiful week everybody. I love you. Goodbye.

Enjoy The Show?