Even the best advice can be mistaken for airy-fairy abstract emotional nonsense. However, I want to repackage something for you today that I’m certain you’ve heard before, but if you’ve not taken it to heart, it might just be keeping your creative potential locked away.

I want to share with you today some unparalleled wisdom from one of the most inspirational people to walk this Earth from the last few centuries, and possibly in the history of our planet. He shared a piece of wisdom that resonates with me so much in what I want to achieve through my work, and I believe that, if embraced, it can be the key to everyone’s success.

Join me this week to discover why acting from love is the greatest most powerful thing you can do as a creative, and how to affect real change in your internal life and the world around you by embracing love and all the gifts that come with it. Sometimes, the answer to everything we’ve been looking for is right under our nose.

I’m making big plans for The Art School in 2020, so be sure to sign up to my email list so you can stay informed on that and my other group coaching opportunities and retreats for the rest of the year. 

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why we will always get further from a place of love than acting from force.
  • How to tell when you’re acting from force and the burden of that is weighing you down.
  • What forcing energy looks like as it relates to other aspects of your life, like work, relationships, and finances.
  • Why it’s so difficult to abandon force for a new way of being when it has created everything you have in life so far.
  • What is right under your nose, the often ignored, that might be the key to your destiny.
  • The paradox of change where patience brings you instant results.
  • How to cultivate the skill of acting from your power and feel comfortable from that place, in mind, body, and spirit.

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Full Episode Transcript:

What if I told you that, in today’s episode, I have for you the secret wisdom of arguably one of the most powerful and powerfully creative humans to have walked the Earth in the last few centuries, if not longer? Wouldn’t you feel as if it were time to lean in? Wouldn’t you feel as if you were about to be given the keys to the universe?

If this was a person that had created what most others believed was impossible, and even more than that, the way in which they had achieved what they did was thought unimaginable until they broke that carrier and became an agent for change and an example for change that millions of people would follow for hundreds of years to come, wouldn’t you hang on this powerfully creative person’s every word, try to think as they think, do as they do, but even more than that, wouldn’t you study them and try to understand their way of being so that you could emulate it, adopt it to your own to become a powerful creative force of nature in your own way and right?

Well, I have that secret wisdom for you in today’s episode, so lean in and listen. And even more than that, prepare yourself. Be open that what you’re about to hear can truly transform your life from the inside out and change the trajectory of your life, your career, your relationships, your family, the world even, forever.

You are listening to The Art School Podcast; a show for artists and creatives who want to become the next greatest version of themselves. Learn how to cultivate an extraordinary way of being and take the mystery out of making money, and the struggle out of making art. Here is your host, master certified life coach, artist, and former lawyer, Leah Badertscher.

Hello, everyone. And welcome back. So, I am recording this for you the week of Valentine’s Day, and also my oldest son’s birthday. It’ Elijah’s golden birthday this past week and we celebrated that along with Valentine’s day.

So, love is in the air and I wanted to honor that with this episode, with an episode about the power of love. And before my people who are go-getters tune this out, hang around. If you really take this concept to heart – no pun intended – everything will change. And I couched this episode the way I did, opening the way I did with that intro because the secret wisdom that I eluded to is actually only a secret because it’s hiding out in plain sight, hiding out in plain sight where those people who feel that the miracles surround them every day aren’t miracles because they’re every day, where the most profound lessons of life go unnoticed and unappreciated because they’re right there all around.

So, I felt it was important to set you up so that you don’t make the mistake that we humans make over and over again where our brain is in its beta wave overdrive, wanting to get to the next thing, wanting to get to the next thing, skimming along the surface so that it avoids actually going deep and diving down toward the treasure and richness where human existence really lie.

So, maybe you’ve guessed, but today’s topic and the theme is love as the most powerful force, the greatest power in the universe. And this is not just a theory or a philosophy. And again, I think this is why I call this secret wisdom, because it’s something that’s out there, it’s in our collective consciousness, but we don’t really believe it.

We are so scared and we are running scared every day that we can’t risk love. And as I’ve been talking the last couple of weeks, safety is such an important container to create for yourself, and to me, like, deep love is deep safety. And again, don’t mistake this for high-level airy-fairy abstract emotional irrelevance to you.

I’ve said it before and I’ll just say it again; I am very interested, to me, spirituality is pragmatic and something, if it’s not pragmatic, it’s not spiritual. And if it’s not spiritual, it’s not really going to be pragmatic for me. And this applies, I think directly, to creativity because the way I approach creativity is it is one of the things that it is, is the essence of who we really are and one of the things I think that is, is the power of who we really are, and one of the things that I think that is, is this combination of the divine with feet on the ground and human hands that can make things.

It’s taking the divine, the ethereal, the spiritual and then channeling it in ways, very real ways, that change the world, whether that’s through a work of art, whether that’s through a play that you write and is performed, whether that is through political and social change, whether that is through the creative act of raising a family.

And I have been doing this work, this coaching work, officially for over 10 years, unofficially for longer than that. And for as long as I can remember, I have been so obsessed and fascinated with creative genius, and over the years, keep asking myself why. What is it that really draws me to this and to this subject? And to me, it is about potential, so that power within us as humans, and what that power really is.

And I think, ultimately, what I’ve been digging for is true potential, true power, not just a human genius that is more Darwinistic in its model and survival-based competitive crawling with nails up a sheer rock face of a cliff in order to make it and hang on, just eking intelligence and ideas out. But it’s more of a power that is channeled through us and therefore is very humble, and then also is connected to something greater.

And I have studied powerful creatives, powerful men and women, creative geniuses from the entire human timeline. And I also then study the beautiful humans that I come into contact with all of the time in my practice. And I have the privilege of seeing their challenges and their breakthroughs and their thought process and I have the privilege of studying their way of being up close.

And what that perspective has yielded to me is that there is just a night and day difference. There’s almost no comparing what a human is able to do and who they are able to be when they truly tap into their power versus coming from force. And now, most of my clients come to me already having achieved so much success and have done so many incredible things in their lives and having cultivated wonderful inner lives and they’re sensing not only that there’s something more, but they come with this intuition that there’s another way.

And it’s almost like they’re seeking permission. And with that way – I talked about this in my third way podcast – that way, I believe they’re seeking, like, there is this, like grassroots organic rising happening for us as humans. This is our creative revolution. That way, we’re seeking is the way of power.

And to put that another way, that way is the way of love. We’re able to create so much from force that we can be seduced into thinking that’s as good as it gets. Except for you look at the way that it wears us down, that it puts such a strain on us. We feel tapped out intellectually, emotionally, in terms of our gifts, as a society we feel stretched thin. It might show up also in our financial lives, in our relationships, in our health, and for sure, spiritually.

It’s like our spirits are just drawn to the finest thread and we’re hanging by that thread. And so, I do believe that all of these people that don’t know each other and come with the sense that there is more for them but they can’t imagine doing more from force, they can’t imagine doing more in the way in which they’ve created what they’ve done so far, which has felt like a hustle, felt like a grind, felt like trying to convince the world that they’re good enough, felt like trying to earn a seat at the table, felt like trying to claw their way to the top, beat out everyone else, prove themselves, prove themselves worthy, earn the right to justify their existence, earn the right to justify doing what they love.

And that then, when people present with creative blocks or financial blocks and they’re so confused because they feel like they have done all the right things and they couldn’t put any more energy or time into it and they’re running thin on resources, whether those are inner resources, financial resources, time, or the patience of others in their lives. And that is such a gift because that’s pointing them to find that way where they tap into their true power source.

Because, again, creating from true power, from your essence, creating connected to the flow of the life force of the universe, there’s not even a comparison to what you can create there and with force. And so today’s episode in particular, this is going to be a tiny episode with a universe-sized theme because I want to talk less and give you more space, create more negative space around what I’m about to say so that you consider it and consider it deeply.

Because I know, for many of you, it’s scary to give up the way of being that has created everything you have in life so far. And it’s scary to trust this third way. It’s scary even, I think the greatest fear comes from you sense really how powerful you are, much like that Marianne Williamson quote.

So, here is the wisdom that I eluded to in the intro. And again, I say it’s secret because it’s one of those keys to the universe that’s hidden in plain sight. It reminds me – I’ve been thinking about, can I write like a children’s fairytale, a modern fairytale about this? And it would be in a motif that I think you can see through many fairytales and myths of old where the amulet that the child had worn all their life and they didn’t know where it came from and they thought it was this little trashy throwaway trinket was really this priceless jewel that proved that they were the heir to the throne.

And I think again, those things that are right beneath our nose are the ones that are the key to life, to our destiny. And so, if you’ve been struggling to find the key to your destiny, don’t dismiss what I’m going to give you today just because it’s been right underneath your nose, just because you’ve heard it before. Because, if it hasn’t unlocked anything yet, that’s simply because you haven’t taken the time to value it as a key and to find the door that the lock fits.

So, here are those words of wisdom from arguably one of the most powerfully creative humans to have walked the Earth in the last few centuries, a person who did what seemed unimaginable and impossible then, and in a way that was really unthinkable, but then paved the way for so much change in the world.

“Love is the strongest force the- world possesses, and yet it is the humblest imaginable.” Mahatma Gandhi. Now, I want to caution you not to do what most human brains do when they hear words like that and they’re like, “Yeah, yeah I’ve heard that before. That’s nice. That’s lovely, and it doesn’t really change anything for me.” Because, frankly, that’s just being lazy, spiritually lazy, intellectually lazy. That’s having a lazy imagination.

If I guaranteed you that the keys to the universe are in those words, and now it is like a clue, like found in some ancient pyramid and you have to decipher it and you have to study it, just because I translated that for you into English, if it hasn’t changed you yet it just means that you have more work to do in implementing that and translating it into your own daily life, into your creative practice, into who you are as a human being.

And I want to break some things down too that are in plain sight there. Love is the strongest force the world possesses. Again, that, to me, speaks of this concept of power versus force. He says love is the strongest force, and I’m thinking of that really being best understood in the context of the whole sentence where he goes on to say, “And yet the humblest imaginable.” And I think he has to say and yet because the world had, has, is still so accustomed to thinking of power was something that is domination over someone else, of something that requires submissiveness, requires a hierarchy, requires some sort of despotic sense to it or abuse.

And maybe that’s why he didn’t use the word power in that sentence too, but that it is a force. And then he goes onto say, “And yet the humblest imaginable.” Because, as humans, and for all of my amazing and successful achievers listening, we know how much we can create by forcing, by pushing. And he’s offering that there is an alternative.

And again, this goes back to what I’ve been saying about how life-changing it can be to think about how can we shift to coming more from power, which to me is creative mode, is the flow state, is a healthy homeostatic biological neurological state that’s available to us if we would focus on cultivating that and that we can actively alter our biology and our minds going forward by training this way and I think too then alter our genes that we pass on and alter the effect that we have on others because we are the environment for other people and that really it is participating consciously and actively in our evolution. And again, from a place of power, not force.

So, the way I understand these words of Gandhi’s and also in reading about how he lived his life, and then in studying too what works for the people that I work with day in and day out, there is a shift that can happen and people can feel it and you have to have a moment by moment awareness and you have to be patient and you have to approach it as the cultivation of a skill.

In order to do that, you have to first know that it’s a possibility that you can cultivate this as a skill and not just to feel like you’re trapped and the victim of your own mindset, your own psychology and the stresses of the modern day world or whatever your current circumstances are. You have to learn to think and be greater than your current environment in order to create different circumstances, which is essentially a way to paraphrase another of Gandhi’s famous and great sayings, and that is, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

And then I can hear the question that’s hanging out there right now in the atmosphere for many of you listening, and that’s, “Okay, great, but how?” And I can sense even the desperation, the edge to it in that question. And that too, I think he answers and speaks to when he says, “And yet the humblest imaginable.”

Because here’s the thing, if you have known the way and you know what forcing feels like, you know what pushing feels like, it feels like hyper-focus. It feels like vigilance at all times. It feels like you never can be truly safe. Maybe you don’t even have a recollection of ever having felt deeply and truly safe.

It can feel like you get a lot done, but there’s a manic edge to it and there’s a desperation to it and there’s a scramble to it or it’s a hustle, it’s a grind. There’s a dis-ease to it. If you know that, that’s so important because it’s first just to be aware of that and then not engage in over-analysis of that because that just perpetuates the force. That just perpetuates the mind trying to figure out the mind from an already suboptimal state, and that’s like the dog chasing its tail or the serpent eating its tail.

So knowing that, just bringing your awareness to it, watching it without judgment, and then taking a deep breath and realizing, if I can see this and I can acknowledge that something in me believes there must be another ray, and why would I have that knowing if it weren’t true?

That is where you can begin, my friends. And then, it is the process again. It’s so empowering to think of this as if you are a spiritual athlete – if spirituality doesn’t resonate with you, as if you are an athlete training for the Olympics, bringing that kind of focus and intention and determination. It’s a determination, again, that’s not hanging on by your fingernails, not white-knuckling. It’s dropping down deep and finding your center and resolving.

I am figuring this out. There’s no way I am not doing this. Coming, creating that determination, again, from a place of love. So, to me, when he is talking about love as the strongest force the world possesses, to me, that’s the power I’m speaking of when I talk about power versus force, that you could interchange love as the most powerful force the world possesses.

And I think, for all of us, to know that is one thing because you may very well have heard this quote before. It probably doesn’t seem like secret wisdom to you or that revelatory, or you have heard it from other places. Love is the most powerful force in the universe, and yet you’re not really believing it.

And I want for you to be able to believe it, not just say you believe it because you think you should. None of that false improvement. But to have it really sink deep into your bones, into your cells, to change you on a cellular level. So, that brings me to the coach with me part of today’s episode.

So, this is the part of the podcast where I want you to do more than just listen. I want you to lean in, really work with me, and coach with me. So, this coach with me portion has two segments. There is a thought segment, and them there is a mind-body somatic segment; an exercise I want to offer for the whole you so that you really have the opportunity to practice integrating this.

So, for the thought/imagination portion of this assignment, what I want you to do is to think deeply on this. So, first, let’s imagine that you’ve found a magic lamp and it has a genie inside. So, I’m the genie and you rub the lamp and I come out and I say, “Well tell me everything that you most deeply want from life. Tell me all of your greatest dreams for yourself, for your loved ones, the world.”

And you told me, and I said, “Perfect. Now, I’m a different kind of genie though. All of these things you can have, you can be, you can experience, all of these things you can create all of these changes. But here’s the one thing you must do. You must learn to access this through love. Love is the key. You must figure out what it really means when all the great sages throughout time immemorial have said, “Love is the greatest power in the universe.”

What would you do? How would you be different if you didn’t treat that phrase, “Love is the greatest force in the universe,” as some pithy throwaway? Even if just for 10 minutes at a time for the next week, even for an hour, you take this into your deep thinking, into your contemplation time, and into your imagination time, opening yourself up to think about it not only with your head but your entire imagination.

If you really believed that all of this longing that you have had, your soul’s longing to create, to be fully expressed, to be effective, to be more powerful in the world, to be safe, what if your soul’s deepest longing and also this longing for another way, this voice inside of you that just senses that it’s in a prison and that there is some liberation and daylight on the other side, even if it has never been there, it just believes in a world where that’s possible.

What if you relaxed into that, into your meditation time, into your becoming familiar with time and really trusted that love was the way, what would that feel like? How would that change what you do in the world and how you do it? And the second segment of this coach with me assignment I have for you today is also – I guess that first one is more mind-body because I just really think you can’t artificially – if you’re going to be powerful, you’re not doing yourself any favors by creating these artificial containers that chops us into segments.

This one though is very much feeling-physical-sensation-oriented. And it’s simple. But like many of the tools I’ve offered you before, don’t overlook it, don’t dismiss it, don’t skip it just because it’s simple. And also, you have to approach it with a certain amount of discipline and the opposite of laziness, the opposite of instant gratification. Because it is a training of yourself in mind and body and in spirit, to shift into power and into love as being your most powerfully creative place.

So, there are three parts to this. There’s a one, two, and a three. One and two, it doesn’t really matter which one you do first other than I want you to just cue into which one seems like the easiest for you to approach and enter into.

So, the first is to be aware of when you’re coming from force and to be aware of what that feels like in your body. Be aware of the thoughts that you think. They’ll be very complicated. You’ll be in over-analysis, you’ll likely be in victim thinking and self-pitying thoughts, like why can’t I figure this out? Why is this so hard? Why is everyone better than me? Why do things never work out for me? You get the idea. That’s what the thought soundtrack will sound like.

And in your body, it will likely feel very constricted, tight in your throat and your heart are places that present for many people. There’ll be a sense of panic or desperation. And it may take a while for you to develop an awareness depending on where you are on this journey and if you’ve done this kind of mind-body or somatic work before or how connected you are to your body. So, it may take a while just to gain a greater awareness of your body.

And again, it’s worth taking the time because if you are somebody who has lived most of your life in your head and you’ve done very well from that place, you might feel very little incentive to do this part. But I want to offer you that, as successful as you have been, if you’ve only been coming from your head and you have not connected to your body, then you’ve only scratched the surface of what’s available for you.

So, developing an awareness of what’s going on in your body, noticing that, again, without judgment, making notes on it, and being sure to take note of the physical sensations and not stopping with emotional labels, because that’s very much staying in the verbal in the brain. So not just labeling things as fear, shame, panic, but getting specific about what that feels like in your body in terms of sensation, frequency, location. Maybe you feel it, actually you start to notice that these sensations occur not only within the envelope of your skin but maybe it feels like energetically it goes beyond your skin.

Second, developing an awareness and a familiarity with what love and power feels like. So, I should have said, to back up for a moment, that number one, that’s you developing your familiarity with what survival mode feels like, with what force and pushing feels like. And so, now we’re moving on into two, which is developing a familiarity with what creative mode feels like, with what being deeply relaxed and also awake and alert and engaged feels like.

For those of you that have had experiences of flow state, developing a familiarity with what flow state feels like, and then also with a mind to developing such a familiarity that you begin to generate it and it’s not just something that happens to you. So, with flow state and with the creative state, it’s not that you are not thinking or that your braindead, but there is a clarity and there is a directness, and there is a solidity and there is a deeply centeredness and there is a peace.

And again, there’s a sense you might be speaking your truth and your voice might shake, but you still feel – to me, it feels like this iron rod of a spiritual backbone to it. It still feels so strong and so solid. And again, it’s that space where you can feel vulnerable and even scared, and also though, within this greater container of safety and love.

And I think Gandhi gave us a great clue too; it feels humble. And he said, “It’s the humblest imaginable,” because I think that’s where we get off-track sometimes is that we, in our society, are so accustomed to thinking that power is the opposite of humility, and that if we’re not on top, if we’re not the loudest and the most aggressive and the most dominating and the most outwardly confident, then we are weak or we are for sure not the most powerful.

But it was like I just pointed out to a participant at the Massive Magic retreat at Miraval, who is a deeply powerful person. She has a warrior, but a peaceful loving warrior sense to her that just runs deep. She’s the kind of person that you want to sit by and that you want to have in a room because she changes the quality of the room. She steadies it with her depth and her power.

And she was expressing frustration she’s had when she goes places and is the quietest one. And that really resonated with me because I have been there so much in my life too. You wouldn’t know it because I’m talking to you every week in this podcast, but that’s pretty unusual for me.

And so, we were facing – we were in this beautiful retreat house. One wall was all windows and they retracted floor to ceiling, 20-foot windows. It retracted into the wall and we had them open that morning. And right out there for us to take in were the beautiful mountains. And I just pointed out, like, they seemed to be offering this lesson themselves.

I just verbalized it. They are there. They are so deep, offering their power and majesty, you can feel the power and the beauty emanating off those mountains. They change the landscape. They change you by virtue of just being in their presence. It’s power that’s palpable and deep.

And just because they are quiet does not mean that they are not so powerful. And that’s the kind of power I felt this woman possessed. Not force, but a deep loving power. And it is a process to feel your way into what is your unique essence of power. And that was one of the things that, the way I designed the retreat, I wanted to give everyone an opportunity to shift into that place and to stay there in that place of experiencing their own true power, a deeply relaxed, at ease with themselves, natural power. And to be able to sustain it and hold it for longer and longer.

Because what I know is, once you have tasted that and been there, you’re changed by it and you can’t forget it. it makes it harder to go back and it also helps establish this practice of having a baseline of, “Oh, that’s power.” And now when you get back into force mode, which our brain wants to tell us is the way that we will ever be anything and do anything worthwhile in this world, that’s actually me coming from, “I can come from there, I can create from there, but it’s actually the weaker aspect of me. And there is something so much more potent available to me.”

So, appreciating the contrast there because that helps you to go back and forth. And this is something that, like a practice I have had, through my own creative practice because being a perfectionist, creating a lot, being an overachiever, coming from force, coming from push, coming from not enough and trying to prove enoughness, I just thought that’s who I was. I didn’t realize I was just kind of locked into this cycle, way of being.

And I also didn’t have a lot of incentives to get rid of it because it seemed to be rewarding me, except for on the inside I did not feel fulfilled and I felt, at the worst of times, like when I was in law school, like I was dying on the inside. And something in me just knew there was another way. And so, it really was no longer working for me. And whatever it was creating on the outside was much too expensive. That success was coming at too great a cost and it felt like false success for what the expense was to me on the inside.

And so throughout my process of wanting to become an artist and wanting to become creative and wanting to come from a truly more powerfully creative place, wanting to see what my true potential is was really useful in the beginning to be like, when I felt force in the beginning what I would do would be say, “Oh, not this. I know I think it’s this way, I know my brain things that this is how we create and how we do things, but it’s not.”

So, in the beginning, I just had that awareness. I hadn’t really touched many times coming from power until I started to link how the power I had touched as an athlete I could also touch as a creative. The times in my life where I felt deeply at home and at peace and loved and loving, that was also creative. And so, I just started to be able to notice when I was in force mode, and I’d say, “Not this.”

And so, that’s what I want to offer you too as part of this exercise because what I have learned since then and what I have added on is to add a physical trigger and reminder for myself, and I have my clients do this too, something that resonates with them. So, if I have slipped back into survival mode or force mode, I’ll take a deep breath and put my hand on my heart and say, “Not this. There is a way. This is not the way.”

And it takes some time for those then chemicals from the cortisol, the adrenaline to diminish. And then that’s when I love the phrase from a Course in Miracles, “Infinite patience produces immediate results.” Because the thing with force is that it’s very impatient. It’s needing to prove right now. It’s needing to have immediate results. It’s needing to have instant gratification from the work that it puts in and it insists whatever you’re doing right now, if it doesn’t produce this big result, then it’s not working. You’re not doing it right. It will never work. It doesn’t matter. These are all ways it speaks.

So, you have to take a deep breath and let yourself come down from this. And sometimes, it’s a long coming down. And that might sound like bad news for some of you. But that’s just bad news if you’re still looped and addicted to this survival cycle.

But if you make a deeper commitment that, in the long run, you are in this for yourself, you are going to be with yourself, by your side for the long run, if you make this commitment that it doesn’t have to take me forever, it doesn’t have to take me a year, it doesn’t have to take me five years, it doesn’t have to take me 10 but I am committed to finding out what that other way, that way of power, that way of love, creating from that place, I am committed to finding that and coming from that and cultivating that in this lifetime. And that’s what I’m doing.

And if it takes me 10 years, it takes me 10 years. If I do this for the rest of my life, I do this for the rest of my life. And that is the paradox of change. Because when you are really loving yourself, then you can connect to where you are right now.

Let me say that again; when you love yourself, you can be in that survival mode and you still speak to yourself like this, “It’s okay. I’ve got you here. I’m going to walk you through this. You’re safe here. You can do this. We can have this rollercoaster. We can have this tantrum and it’s okay.”

So it is that paradox of change that when you love yourself and you connect with yourself wherever you are, when you don’t reject yourself because you’re not there yet, you’re not making enough money, you haven’t published the book, you’ve been writing for years, you’ve been auditioning for years, you haven’t broken through.

When you can really love yourself and where you are in your journey right now, then you establish a connection. And no transformation can come without there first being connection. And that is another reason why Gandhi said, “Love is the strongest force the world possesses.” He changed the world, but first it was from that non-violence. If you really want to change your life, and maybe you want to create something too that changes the world – that’s what many of my clients want, to change their own life and they also have visions of changing the world.

And the paradox is you have to love where you are and not reject it. What you reject, you disintegrate. And we want to come from a powerful place and you can’t be powerful if you are rejecting an aspect. So, love establishes connection. And from there, acceptance, and then continuing into love, and from that non-judgmental awareness then it’s a change that happens with the power of awareness and not from trying to overanalyze or fix.

And so then tis brings me to the third point, which I’ve kind of been talking about but now want to introduce it officially. This third place you practice is this practice of first you have to have the awareness of what force and push, what creating through violence and survival feels like in your life, what creating through scarcity feel like in your life, because that is only going to perpetuate force, scarcity, not enoughness.

Know what that is for you. Know that the thoughts are. Know what it feels like in your body and in your spirit. And then have an awareness of what power coming from true power, coming from love feels like, coming from your true essence feels like, knowing what the thoughts are or are not when you’re there, knowing what it is to be in your body and spirit from there. Having those two different experiences, contrast in experiences. And then working on being able to shift.

And as I just mentioned, the first piece that must happen is you have to accept first. You have to love where you are in order to connect because there can be no change without that first. So creating, that is again going back to what we talked about in the last couple of weeks, creating this great container of safety, this vast safety where all things that you experience, you can contain all of it, the full range of human experience.

And then, from there, you can work towards mastery of toggling into power and toggling into love and then meditating on that, becoming familiar with that in mind, body, and spirit, and then creating from that. And you’ll start creating from that again. You’ll go back to your canvass. You’ll go back to selling your work in the world or finding an agent and you’ll feel competition and scarcity again.

So, that’s just your clue and your cue to move back into power, to think and be greater than what your environment is telling you to do. That’s how we become powerful creators is we’re not dependent on the environment, but we create from imagination and from within ourselves and from that place we create our belief, and from that belief, we then persist in that and pull that energy. We become the strongest most dominant energy. And then that begins to create the evidence, not waiting for the evidence before we have permission to be who we’re going to be, but being who we are meant to be and then creating the change in the world by who we are practicing becoming.

Thank you for listening to another episode of The Art School Podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, if this podcast has helped you move the needle in your life in meaningful ways, know that a rising tide lifts all ships and the best thing you can do to pay it forward is to share this work with others.

You can do that by sharing with your friends, your allies, your colleagues, even your frenemies, on Facebook, and you can also help me get this work to more and more people by going to iTunes and leaving a review.

I so appreciate each and every review. Not only does it make me feel more connected to those of you out there listening. It also helps other people find this podcast. And when you’re ready to take this work deeper, there are two ways you can do that. First, there is The Art School.

The next session of The Art School begins in the fall of 2020. But now is the time to sign up for my newsletter, which you can do so by going to www.leahcb.com so that you’re the first to know when enrolment opens.

The second way to work with me this year is via private coaching. I have limited spots, but to learn more about private coaching, or to be added to the waitlist for private coaching, please email support@leahcb.com and we will take care of you.

So, this brings me to the close of the podcast. And I was kind of laughing at myself because I recall that early in the podcast I was like, “This is going to be a tiny podcast about a big theme. And it was not so tiny. I went off. I got off into my notecards. I had a tiny amount of notecards this time, which was an achievement. And then I just kept going.

So, I will have ones in the future that are short and sweet, but this one was not. But to close, I do have a short and sweet tiny but powerful quote for you. It’s another one from Gandhi, and that is, “Where there is love, there is life.” Wishing you all an abundance of both. Have a beautiful week, everyone, and I’ll talk to you next time.

Enjoy The Show?