“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now, put the foundations under them.”

~Henry David Thoreau

We all have dreams about what we want to do in our careers; those lofty goals that can seem crazy but are always achievable. Those dreams can be very impactful, but sometimes they can be obstacles and demotivating when it feels like we aren’t making progress towards our concrete goals.

On this episode of The Art School, we are talking about how to turn your wildest dreams into the scaffolding that you need to reach your goals. Through the self-coaching model, you can establish a way of thinking that supports both your creative and practical ambitions.

Whether your dream is to be a best-selling author or to make a living as a painter, you can gain something from the self-coaching model. Join me for an in-depth walkthrough of making your dreams support your goals.

I still have some discovery consults open and available if you want to talk to me in person to see if Art School is a good fit for you. July 15th is the deadline for the early bird registration for the fall session. We also have two more summer workshops available. If you enroll in the fall session, they’re included, or you can just join a-la-carte, one workshop at a time, for $247 a workshop.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • What purpose dreams serve and how they can be support for your greater intentions and goals.
  • How you can use the self-coaching model to redefine what your dreams are.
  • Ways to reverse engineer your dreams to create the scaffolding for your professional and personal goals.
  • The different ways you can approach your model to fit your own personality and shape your dreams and thoughts.
  • How you can constantly revise and adjust to your shifting dreams and goals without being negative about yourself.

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Full Episode Transcript:

“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost. That is where they should be. Now, put the foundations under them.” Henry David Thoreau.

Today I want to talk to you about dreaming, but a very specific kind of dreaming. There is a kind of dreaming that to indulge in it can actually hold us back from our destiny, but there is another kind of dreaming that actually propels us forward and helps us build our destiny. Those kinds of dreams act as a model for our future and they also act as scaffolding. It’s a kind of dreaming that supports you in actually building and realizing that is making real the dream.

So what I want to talk to you about today is your dream model and models for your dream life. So listen in and learn how to create a model, how to create a vehicle that helps you realize your big beautiful dream. A rocket ship that helps you get to that moonshot goal and also, transforms you in the process.

You are listening to The Art School Podcast; a show for artists and creatives who want to become the next greatest version of themselves. Learn how to cultivate an extraordinary way of being and take the mystery out of making money, and the struggle out of making art. Here is your host, master certified life coach, artist, and former lawyer, Leah Badertscher.

Hello all of you beautiful creative souls and welcome back and happy 4th of July, although when you’re listening to this it’s a week past. But I am recording this on the 4th of July in the morning here. So if you hear ruckus in the background, it’s because my kids are home from school and waiting for me to do this so then I can take them to the pool.

So I hope you all have a really glorious, awesome day planned for your celebrations if you’re here in the US. If not, then maybe you can join us vicariously in celebrating and speaking of everyone that is listening to this and not in the US, I want to say thank you because I subscribe to this service that tells me who’s listening to my podcast where and where it is in the rankings around the world.

And I am just blown away and so grateful. I see reports from Bulgaria, from the United Kingdom, from Australia, from Canada. Last week I saw that we hit number one in Thailand in the arts category and number four in Japan in the same category. And I was like, what? That is so amazing. So I’m so grateful to all of you out there listening and of course, all of my American listeners as well.

And I wanted to give a special shout-out. I want to continue to do this in the future, just give a shout-out to those of you who write in to me or leave a review. And Risa from Wisconsin recently left this awesome review. Thank you Risa. She said, “I love this podcast. I can’t get enough of it and replay each episode many times. I hear so much wisdom and get inspired each time.”

So I’m so grateful for that because that’s what I do with my favorite podcasts or audio books. I replay them many times to continue to soak it in and I love that someone else is doing that because that’s the kind of value that I want to provide in this. I pack a lot into each episode and I also want to say that a great way to use podcasts like mine or others, or other audio books the way that I use it as a coaching tool myself is if I hear one line that really resonates with me, I will go for a walk and I’ll listen to that one line and then I’ll pause and I’ll think about what it means for me and how I can integrate it.

And I’ll really try to change my mind and my energy as a result of that information. To me, that’s one of the ways that you take information and make it transformational so that it becomes not something that you get only at the intellectual level, but also that you know it, that your being this has absorbed it and that you’ve really changed because of it.

The other thing that really, I’m grateful for, for Risa’s review is that I found out that this is a Risa that I know who is also a fabulous, amazing coach. So that means a lot to me and I wanted to just – if there are any brides to be listening, Risa has a program called Zip the Dress and she is a coach for brides to be that helps them get in the best shape of their life, like love their body in order to feel beautiful and be beautiful in all ways on their wedding day.

And she’s really also does so much more. She is a guide and a mentor and a wise woman for other women as they transition through this beautiful, really live event, and prepares them for this next wonderful phase of their life. So it’s Risa Coleman, Zip the Dress, and thank you so much Risa for your review. And again, everybody for listening.

So today, I want to talk to you about your dream model. Creating your dream model, creating your models for your dream life. And I’ve talked to you before about how I was a space nerd growing up, and one of the things I loved that we did at space camp, we built model rockets and shot them off that week. And I bought rockets from the gift store and took them home. I loved this rocket model building process.

So now I thought it’s kind of ironic that I’ve done my moonshot podcast, which if you haven’t listened to that, that’s episode number seven, and that’s a great place if you’re just tuning in, that’s a great place to start with any of my work. So really, those rocket ships were modeling for me this idea that I wanted to be an astronaut some day and I was getting the core, understanding the core principles around physics and what I want to talk to you about today is how to build a vehicle, a model that will help take you to that place you want to be but also in the process, the creative process of engaging in this, you are transformed and you cultivate a way of being.

A way of being in mind, the way you think, in body, your physicality, you know it, your energy changes, all of this is in your body, and in your spirit. Your way of being is that which creates those results that you’re dreaming of inevitably. So I’ve talked about this before in the concept of the sacred twin intention that yes, your results that you dream of are so important. That outcome, that matters. That material outcome does matter and also, one of the ways in which it so matters is because it’s going to evoke in you potential and qualities and gifts and invite you to transform and become that which are you capable of becoming.

And so that’s – when I talk about twin intentions, that first being whatever the dream is, the material dream, the vision you have in your mind, how you would measure that, how you would know it has arrived. There’s that and then the twin intention to that equally, if not more important is how is this evolving you as a being, as a human being. How is this evolving you mentally, emotionally, spiritually?

Because too many of us have known the route of being able to create something and create really impressive results and really perform, but it comes at the expense of our mind, body, and spirit. And so whenever that is happening for someone or they’re engaging in that, or they’re afraid to go for their dream because they fear that the cost is going to be too great for their other core values, and I say well then we need to call that vision back and look more closely, because then that’s not your dream.

If the process is one that is destructive to you, then that is not the dream. The dream, the whole dream is that the process that gets you there is – it may be a difficult one. It may require more of you than you have thought you were capable of in the past, but that it can be done in a loving way that helps you find more strength. It helps you find a strength that you never knew you had. It helps you tap into grace and resources within you, but also from without that you never knew were available to you.

So with the model in mind, I’m speaking metaphorically and also specifically. So specifically, I use this tool that I learned from one of my mentors, Brooke Castillo that’s called the self-coaching model, or the thought work model. And I covered this pretty extensively in the episode called The Creative Mindset and I want to revisit it because I realized that was several episodes ago and I know that some of you listened to it and thought yeah, that’s interesting, I don’t really need to do that work though, I don’t really need to write it out.

And don’t do that because you deprive yourself of a powerful, powerful tool. So I want to briefly review that tool for those of you who have heard it before, and maybe this is the first time for others of you. So how that tool works is you have five parts to that model. You have the first line and it proceeds – think of this in like, you’re in number one through five on your paper. One at the top, next time two, three, four, five.

That first line is your circumstance line. Circumstances are the facts. Just the facts of the situation. Not the story. If I put you on the witness stand in a court of law, the most vicious litigator could cross-examine you and there would be no holes. We could all agree, it’s irrefutable that these are neutral facts. Not subjective. Objective neutral facts.

The second line is the thought line. So you would write thought. The thought is your thought about the circumstance. It’s a single line. It’s your interpretation. Your story about what that circumstance means. That thought then takes us down to the third line, which is the feeling because we have this thought, it creates an emotion in our body. And the Greek root means emotion, physical vibration through your body.

So emotion is literally energy moving through your body. Our thoughts create a response that is energy moving through our body. The next line underneath that is action. So when we are feeling a certain way, we are likely to act in a certain way. We take actions that are in accordance, in alignment with that feeling. That’s the most efficient way to work. We can try to offer actions that overcome our feelings, but that is really difficult. That is pitting ourselves against ourselves and that’s exhausting and over time, the feeling wins out.

That’s why it’s really difficult to change things just at the behavioral level, the action level without changing the thought that is precipitating the action. So for instance, if you’re trying to stop smoking and yet your thought is still I love to smoke, and yet you try to offer an action that overrides this feeling of loving to smoke, which comes from the thought I love to smoke, it’s going to feel like white-knuckling. It’s going to feel like it requires so much willpower.

Whereas if you have a scenario where all of a sudden someone is told hey, you have lung cancer, you don’t smoke smoking, it’s just going to accelerate your death, and then they’re shocked into no desire to smoke, and then makes it easier to offer actions. So then underneath actions, we then have the result. So actions taken over time inevitably lead to a result. And then you would take an arrow from the result line, point it back up to the thought line and because your result will prove your thought true every time.

And this is because our brains are like heat-seeking missiles when it comes to – if we have a thought, it wants that confirmation bias. It wants us to be true every single time. So if you have a thought, people are out to get me, you will see evidence, you’ll feel paranoid, and then from paranoia, you will look around your environment all the time for things that confirm that thought, people are out to get me, and then your result will be that’s what you see and experience in your life is that people are out to get me.

Whereas conversely, if you were someone who believes and embraces the universe has my back, people generally love me, then you’ll come from a different feeling place, one of trust and warmth and openness to others, you’ll be looking more for that, and then your evidence is going to support that and your results in life will also support that original thought.

So I talked really fast there but you may want to listen to that part a few more times just so you can understand what that looks like, write it out on paper. It literally is a model that you can fill in. And here’s what’s really exciting. Not only is it a model for understanding what your creative process is and how you create your own reality and experiences in life, it is also a model that you can use to reverse engineer the process that creates the results that you want.

So I’ll say that again another way. You can use it as an observational and awareness-building model, which is powerful and which I do myself and which I do with my clients, and you can also use this as a tool for reverse engineering the results that you want, as a model for building your dream life. So that’s why I loved that wordplay in the beginning of thinking of this about – as being a dream model and also a model for your dream and thinking of this as the scaffolding by which you actually realize your dreams and what you stand on as you build your dreams brick by brick.

So let’s talk about how the reverse engineering process works. One of my favorite Brooke Castillo quotes, my mentor, is when she said you know, I really believe you can put whatever you want in the result line. And not only did I love that she said that, but I love that she is a living example of that. She first put I want to make a million dollars a life coach in her result line, and then used the model, reverse engineered to create that and now she has 100 million in her result line.

And then she’s using the model to create that. She just had a year where she earned 25 million as a life coach, which you know, several years ago, it was unheard of for life coaches to break $300,000, much less the one million mark. And it’s also – this is the model, like the rocket model that I realized and take me to my moonshot of making two million as a coach and an artist, creative, within three years.

And it’s the model that I’m using this year within that three-year process to take me to half a million dollars. It’s the model that I use to – when I think of the kind of artist that I want to be, the kind of writer. When I thought in the past about the kind of coach that I wanted to be. A coach like an incredibly intuitive, crackerjack, world-class coach for creative powerhouses and world-class performers, and as being one of the best creativity master coaches in the world for artists and creative powerhouses and visionaries, I used this tool.

This was one of the core tools that I have used to create that coaching practice, as well as to build my art career. So how it works is it’s pretty intuitive. You start with the result. You start with that sacred dream, that thing that’s calling you, even if you can’t see the whole thing. Whatever part you can see, grab it and put it in that result line. Hopefully – and this whole episode really right now is going to be that lean in and don’t just listen, coach with me. Really work with me.

This is how you take the information and change your life. Change not only your mind. Your mind first needs to open. We got to lay different neural circuitry so that you know that a different reality is possible. For some of you, you need to know what’s possible is for you to thrive as an artist, whether that means 50K for you or 100K, or it means being a number one best seller in the New York Times list, whether it means getting an Oscar, winning a Grammy, having 100,000 Patreon followers.

Whatever that is for you, lay that neural circuitry, lay that dream model out by first dreaming. Do have those castles in the air, as Thoreau said. Allow yourself that dream, allow yourself to tell yourself the truth about what you’re really dreaming of. Allow that sacredness that’s calling you forward and trying to open up your mind. Allow that because that begins to lay the neural pathways that are necessary for you to then begin to perceive a new reality.

That is dreaming at its most powerful. It’s not fantasizing. It’s dreaming. And then what we’re going to do is you take that, you put it in the result line, and then you start to build the foundation underneath that dream, that castle in the air. And how you do that is you think about if I am the person that has this result, and even not if, as the person who has this result, what am I thinking?

And then what am I feeling? What am I doing? That’s the action line. The action line is what am I doing, how am I showing up in the world, and then conversely, equally, if not even more important is you ask yourself what am I not thinking, what am I not feeling when I am the person in this vision. What am I not doing?

So all of this starts to populate and create your dream model. So your dream model is a place where your result is now your new circumstance in life, and I want to point out a very important – it’s a not so subtle nuance. It is that there is a tremendous difference between someone who is trying to get the result, working for their result, and somebody who has it.

So I want you to create your model from the stance of somebody who has created that result. So not from where you currently are, but from that person who is living the dream, whose circumstance, whose life right now is the result that they’ve also always wanted. So your circumstance and your result match.

So for me for instance, I’d have two million in the circumstance line and two million in the result line. Those things line up. And then as that person, then I contemplate and I meditate, and I want to do a whole episode at least on meditation and what that can really mean for you. But right now, listen to this line over and over again and think about it. Meditation can mean many things. Also think about the definition where meditation means to become familiar with.

So for me in the dream model, one of the greatest uses and powers of using this dream model method is as a meditation tool, as a way for you to become familiar with that person you have always dreamed of becoming. It’s a way of becoming familiar with – it’s kind of what I call the guts of the model.

The thought line, the feeling line, the action line, becoming familiar with the guts of the model, which for me too translates to becoming familiar with meditation upon a way of being where I am fully embodying and expressing my fullest potential, and from that way of being, from thoughts, feelings, actions, from the guts of the model, then I inevitably from me flows those results that were drawing me forward in the first place and inviting me to this new way of being, inviting me to this evolved next greatest version of myself.

So let me review real quick and summarize the steps to this creating your dream model and creating the models for your dream life process. First, review the instructions and the summary I’ve given you about the thought model process. The circumstance, thought, feeling, action, result. CTFAR for short. Review that. Make yourself a worksheet.

The C goes first, and one line down, thought, next line down, feeling, next line down, action, next line down, result. And then enter into this dreaming scaffold-creating, dream-building process. The first part of that is spending enough time getting really clear on the vision for who you want to become and what you want to create, and be very specific.

Here’s kind of two ways I want to offer that you can approach that. Call that vision to mind, watch yourself in this new reality from the outside, but then also go within and inhabit yourself in that future space. Feel around your mind and your body. What are you thinking? How are you different in that vision at that frequency? Imagine it’s a channel that you tuned into. How are you different there in terms of what you’re thinking and in what you’re feeling and what you’re doing?

So look at yourself both from the outside, like you’re watching a movie of yourself, and then also go in and live in the movie as the first person, you’re a first-person narrator mode. You know everything you’re thinking, you know what it feels like, you know what it feels like to embody that new energy and that new consciousness for you. That new way of being that is creating these dream results in this dream vision.

Then after you’ve done this, we’ve spent some time familiarizing yourself with the vision and with the specifics of it, particularly with the thoughts, feelings, and actions, then I want you to create some models. Very literally, you’re going to create thought models. You’re going to make your worksheets in the form that I just gave you, CTFAR, and you’re going to populate those with the thoughts, feeling, actions, result of this future self that you’re able to access via dreaming.

So for instance, for me with my dream model where my circumstance matches my result, where I have two million in the result line and two million in the circumstance line, when I revisit that vision over and over again, and it took me some time and I want to encourage you to allow yourself to relax and really explore and be very curious. That’s an important part of this process. Not force it, but really give yourself blue sky time to let your imagination go and move from what it’s known, the really analytical, logical, into possibilities that you’ve never experienced before.

So when I would to this, I would go – for instance, last year I was going to start this process. I would go swimming. I’d swim laps at the pool, and I’d swim laps at the pool, I’m like okay, I’m going to swim laps at the pool as the woman who is embodying that future result and dream but it’s now. How is she thinking and feeling just swimming laps in the pool?

And something that I could – swimming laps just back and forth in a pool with no interruption, that sort of meditative motion really allowed me just to muse on that over and over again and come back to that. And I would do it out on walks. And what I started to realize, which was consistent with whenever I’ve done this in the past is that woman as even more comfortable with who she is than what I’ve already experienced.

That there is a level of self-trust and self-love and self-respect that’s so deep that her desire to give and to give from her heart, and to give courageously from her truth and put it out there and without judging herself and without anxiety for how or if it will be received is immense. So for me, what that means in terms of when I would fill up my model is for me, a lot of times because I’m a very kinesthetic, motion-oriented person, I enter into my model through the feeling line.

So I would put in the feeling line relaxed, deeply at peace, and if I had approach building my model first from an analytical space and what I think, and I emphasize think is cerebrally intellectualize what someone – what me making two million dollars, what her feeling would be, I would not have arrived deeply at peace and comfortable. I probably would have thought, well I should be really excited and I should feel something that’s – it actually felt a lot more like tension to me.

But through doing this in this meditative, contemplative way and opening and dreaming, I arrived at something that just rang of truth for me, that my place of power, the way that then I create even greater results in the world for myself and for other people is when I am deeply at peace and I am deeply connected to my truth and to my source because from that place, I am able to give freely and without the anxiety or inhibition that comes from worrying about is this going to work, is this going to happen.

If I know it has happened because I put that in my result line, I decided – I’ve talked about the power of decision in previous podcasts. I have decided that result. That means it’s done. That means I no longer have to think about if it’s going to happen. I don’t entertain is this happening. I know it has happened.

Think about, if it’s going to happen, I don’t entertain is this happening. I know it has happened. So then I get to ask myself these powerful questions and as your future self who has, as your dream model aligned self, these questions.

As a person who has created this result and done it in a way, thoughts feelings actions, that is totally in integrity and also the dream and deeply desirable, how did I do this? And you ask it in a reflective way.  Now how am I going to do this, like it’s still in the future. It’s a reflective question. You are embodying that’s pace of being somebody who has realized that dream, that that dream is not the reality, and you’re reflecting, how did I do this? Let me reflect on how I did this and let me ask myself why was I able to do this.

And then you start to give your imagination and your brain, it’s that creative direction, it’s a constructive prompt where it starts to tell you, well, you did this. And then you ask it very specific questions, well how was I feeling? Because I’m so peaceful now and I knew, the whole process I was going to feel powerful, and even when I encountered what look like failures or setbacks or criticism or rejection or roadblocks, how did I arrive at this dream place in this deeply peaceful powerful state?

And then you listen in and lean in for the answers that follow. And they may come in terms of words and stories, or it may come as images. Or other times, you just drop that question into your psyche and you just watch, as you go about your day and your life, how those answers come to you in various ways; in dreams, in signs, in symbols, from the words out of someone else’s mouth where they will drop the answer in your lap and they knew nothing about what you were doing. Know that if you ask these kinds of questions, you always get an answer. You’re always answered from within, or sometimes, it seems as if the answers come from without.

So again, that second stage after the first stage is spending time doing that constructive dreaming, visualizing those castles that you’ve built and being an investigator, an anthropologist of your own dream experience and asking yourself, what am I thinking there? What am I feeling? How am I acting? And not forgetting, what am I not thinking? What am I not feeling? What am I not acting?

Because that was revelatory for me when I stumbled into that when I was doing my own works on this years ago was I – and I may have mentioned this before, but I was just as struck by what is not in my vision, that that is also the key, as what’s in there. So for instance, yes, I’d see myself in my dream studio working on dream projects with dream clients and collaborators and in this beautiful space and I looked like I had so much energy and was so vibrant and happy and in love with life. And then, when I listened in to eavesdrop on her mind and feel her energy, I was also stunned by what wasn’t there. And that allowed her to flow her creativity and her gifts like that.

Because what wasn’t there was there wasn’t this constant heavy vale and inner critic questioning of, are you sure you shouldn’t be doing it that way? Are you sure this is a good idea? What if this doesn’t work out? Like, that sort of negative incessant chatter, there was just silence where that had hung over me for so much of my work. So then I began the work of weeding that out, of inviting more of that blissful silence that comes from deep trust, comes from deciding on your result and committing to it ahead of time and then trusting the process, and then allowing myself to fall in love with the process even before the rest of the world had seen the results that I knew I’d already created, but the rest of the world couldn’t see them yet.

So I let myself fall in love with my dream being a reality, but also trained myself to love the process and all parts of it along the way. And look what comes of it just naturally, inevitably, as a result. So for me, that process of transformation has been this evolution of, for me to become more powerful and more powerfully expressive in my art, with my coaching business, financially, materially, in my relationships, has been to become more relaxed and at ease and to simply things and to trust that that which flows through me is always more than enough and to trust that I really do get to decide what my destiny is. And that helps quiet so much of what could otherwise be self-inflicted suffering via that what can be incessant inner critic chatter.

So it also is there’s a deep sense of freedom that comes with that. Which is pretty perfect considering that I’m doing this podcast on Independence Day. So I do think that that is a pretty consistent theme, no matter who I work with, whether it’s a CEO or a surgeon or a visual artist and a musician. Whether you are an entrepreneur or whether you are a head of a multi-million dollar company, what I find, people’s dreams aren’t consistently inviting them to what their sacred twin intention is, is this sense of freedom; freedom who be who they came to be in the world and freedom from that self-inflicted suffering, of inner critic chatter, freedom from the limitations, the bonds, the prison that we put ourselves in with self-doubt and with negativity.

So, as you do your model, without knowing you even personally, I would invite you to try some models where you enter into building the model from the freedom line, because if you felt free, what would you be able to create? If you were free to create anything in this lifetime and you knew you would do it, how would you be thinking differently right now? How would you be feeling differently? Free, for sure. How would you be acting? What would you not be thinking? What would be not feeling, not doing? And what would you be free to create?

So, begin to build these dream models and ask yourself, from that dream model self, ask him or her, how did I do this? How was I able to do this? How was I able to do this in this way? Why was I able to feel this way, think this way? Why was I able to create this?

And then take these models and make them a part of your consistent daily practice and put a lot of focused energy into them. Put a lot of belief. Make that believability that I talked about. Work on them and ask yourself every day, how can I not only, in my meditation, become familiar with this dream reality, with this dream model and let it be the scaffold by which I build my actual everyday daily life, and take it out into the world and think that way now? Feel that way now. Do those things now, independent of current circumstance, independent of the evidence you or others might see around you. And that is how you are going to claim and create that dream destiny for yourself.

Thank you so much for listening to another episode of The Art School Podcast. I really do love that you are listening in and I love hearing from you. It helps to make what I’m doing feel like it’s really connecting and meaningful. And also, not only do I want to inspire you and infuse your day with this burst of what I hope stimulates the intellect and your imagination and feeds your own creative soul and your own creative genius, but I also really want you to be able to use this to create material results in the world.

I really want you to be able to use this to unleash your own creative soul and your own creative genius and not only feel better because of that but create some really amazing results too. So that’s why, over and over again, I encourage you to not just listen, but to do the work. And for some of you too, you are ready for and would benefit tremendously from taking the work even further, even deeper.

Some of you are looking for community and some of you are looking for private mentoring. And right now, I have options for both. The next workshop for the summer Art School is going to be towards the end of July and we’re going to take advantage of the fact that we have two quarters left. We have the last half of this year and whether you have blown yourself away already by your progress this year or whether you’re disappointed or somewhere in between, any sort of stuck, frustrated, anywhere on that continuum, I want to help you see that you can take these last six months and use the rest of 2019 to really move the needle and be a pivotal life-changing year for you.

So, it’s going to be – I should have held it on the 4th of July, but everybody’s on holiday because it’s going to really be this Independence Day fireworks-worthy sort of workshop. So you can message me at leah@leahcb.com with summer workshop in the subject life if you want to enroll, because I have to limit enrollment in these workshops because I really want to make sure I know all the individuals and I get everyone coached that wants to be coached.

So, we’ve got about five spots left and then I’m going to close the July workshop. But if you want more Art School and more community, I am still taking applications for the fall Art School. Our early bird registration deadline, which is a significant discount for you early adopters and people who want to go all in because I love having you kind of people in a community, it really creates some awesome chemistry and elevates the dynamic of the entire community to have people like you in there. So I want to reward and incentivize you by offering what is a very generous discounted price that is available through if you apply and either pay the deposit or in full by July 15th.

I also have a few spots remaining for private clients. So I have a few spots remaining through the summer, and then I’m really going to trim that back down once I start The Art School in September and really focus on the existing private clients and The Art School clients.

No matter where you are joining us though, whether you are part of this community by listening to the podcast or whether you are one of my private clients or you are a member of The Art School, what is consistent through all of this work, what is one of my grandest intentions is to normalize, for you, not just the idea of your dreams becoming a reality, but I want to normalize for you what seems like amazing mind-blowing success and fulfillment.

So whether that looks like, for you, your result line reflects something that’s financial or whether that reflects also a way of being – because for me, that is an essential part. That is the part of a mind-blowing success is for me, like, I want to embody my creative genius and be in that space where I am just me, comfortable being me, loving my work, loving this relationship I have to creativity and to mystery, and letting it rip and letting it flow.

So whether that means coaching and unlocking someone else’s creative genius and success, whether that means paintings, whether that means books, to me, it’s that way of being, being deeply comfortable being myself, being an example of being deeply comfortable being myself, and then from that relaxed loving place, creating amazing beautiful mind-blowing things.

So that’s’ what I want to also share with you, with as many people as I can, that that is not only possible, but let’s normalize that. Let’s normalize thriving and loving ourselves and, from that place, the abundance that we have to share and spare in terms of material abundance, but also our love in regard for one another just spills over. Let’s normalize artists who are powerful and successful and wealthy. Let’ s normalize visionaries who are powerful, successful, wealthy, and who do all of this from a loving place, from a generous place, who want to create a greater impact for the world, but in the meantime are also very kind to themselves and are also true stewards and guardians of their own inner resources and their own inner life and their own inner spirit.

Let’s normalize creating our dreams and having the process be a very loving process along the way. I also, before I close, want to mention that I have a few days open. I do transformative day, day-and-a-half retreats in certain select cities around the country, so I can go to you, meet you there. And these are very intensive immersive experiences and therefore are by application only.

I want to make sure that you are in a place mentally, spiritually,  emotionally, financially, where this is going to be a day that amplifies your strength and your power and your vision and to make sure that this is a match for both of us because I only have a few of these days a year and can only obviously work with one person at a time.

So, it is one of my premier private coaching offerings, and if you’re interested, you can also email me, leah@leahcb.com and we can set up a time to talk about what you’re looking for and if this is a right fit. These are life-changing days and if you’re ready for it, I would love to work with you in this capacity.

And so this brings me to the part of the podcast where I leave you with some closing inspiration. Today’s quote comes from the book Invincible Living by Guru Jagat. And this is the part in which he’s talking about cultivating a magnetic beingness.

“What will make you attract the most incredible experiences of your destiny is completely and committedly having a practice of clearing yourself to being a living example of what it means to be comfortable being yourself. Look around. All the most successful people in history had some sort of radiant power through their own comfort of being themselves, one way or another. Love clearing yourself of anything that inhibits you from the freedom of being yourself, from the radiant power that comes with being comfortable being yourself.”

I love you guys and I can’t wait to talk to you next time. Take care, bye-bye.

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