A Course In Miracles states,

“The untrained mind can accomplish nothing.”

One characteristic of the untrained mind is that it believes that we are our thoughts.

The beautiful mind, however, knows this to be true about all humans – that we are a soul and not our thoughts.  The beautiful mind knows this to be true:

You are not your thoughts. 

The beautiful mind knows that we are deathless souls having a human experience and that thoughts are a function of the body we get to experience, but thoughts are not who we really are.

It’s easy to say, harder to do, but if you set your heart and your sights on knowing who you really are, then life will open up and begin to flow.  Things will start to make more sense.

And you can begin to understand who you are by becoming crystal clear on who you are not.  And who you are not is your thoughts.

If you are not sure who you are and if you’re being weighed down more often than not by negativity, I’d suggest beginning by meditating on this:

I am not my thoughts. 

Another way I’ve come to frame this first for myself and then for my clients is as this:

Do not take your doubts and your negativity personally.

Once you reflect upon these two things, inevitably the question will arise:

If I am not my thoughts….then who am I?

I would suggest not “trying” to answer that question, but just asking it, wondering about it, and notice what comes to the surface.  Nothing may come or a thousand things may come.  The point right now is not to find “the answer” but to create and experience the opening that the question evokes, and to just hang out for awhile in that wide open, “don’t know mind” space.

Here’s to your beautiful minds and all the beauty they will create in the world!

