Leah Campbell Badertscher, 2014, All Rights Reserved
40×40 original, acrylic on canvas
Available: $25,000

This painting is about the divine feminine and the modern feminist, a phenomenon and a movement that I call SHE RISING.

The original inspiration for this piece was sparked by an incident several years ago that occurred while I was riding my bike on a lonely stretch of Iowa highway.  I hadn’t seen another soul for twenty miles, but suddenly a voice, one that seemed to come from right above my left shoulder, spoke one strong, clear word:  SHE.

Fast-forward to almost two years ago when I began working on this piece, and I began to realize that that message “SHE” is strongly related to the ways I’ve  witnessed so many women waking up and remembering who they really are: divine and powerful.

This piece is like a mirror; it will reflect back to you who you really are, even when you’re tempted to forget and give into playing small.  Bringing this painting into your space declares, to you and to the world, who you really are: divine, powerful, and rising.

Special Features Guide to the SHE RISING:

All of my paintings have special meaning, sometimes symbols, words and phrases, some images hidden in plain sight, and other aspects that can make the painting come to life if you know what to look for. This particular painting is especially brimming with wild and gorgeous treasures like this.  Here are just three examples of the many special features in this painting that will help you better enjoy this piece and feel more confident and savvy about why you might be drawn to this particular artwork:

FIRST: The Figure
I’m sure you’ve noticed the woman that is the central figure in this piece, but did you also notice she has a wing on her left?  Whether you decide this means SHE is an angel, or a woman who has remembered her ability to fly…or both…is up to you.  

Another possible interpretation for the figure and the painting is that she represents Mother Earth, and yet also represents our special ability as women to be stewards and guardians of the Earth.  

SECOND: Her Pose
The way we hold our bodies communicates incredible information – and so I am fascinated with how to convey this through the gestures and poses of figures I paint.  Notice in this painting her strong, upright stance, outstretched wing, and arm raised.  There is no doubt or apology here – it’s a poise of self-knowing and power.  She is rising.

Notice also that she is facing East – and towards colors that suggest sunrise.

THIRD: The Words
Words are a very powerful presence in this particular painting.  You can see where I wrote “She” on the upper left quadrant, near her outstretched arm.
Here are some other phrases that I used in this painting, some of which are still visible:

SHE will move mountains
SHE will change the world
SHE is rising

If you can also spot the Tree of Life, the Phoenix, and identify Metatron’s Cube!

To acquire this piece, please email me at leah@leahcb.com.

